#!/bin/sh # This script automates the replication of changes into an offline osm file for a specific area of interest. This allows an up-to-date local snapshot of an area to be maintained. # The name of the replicated file. OSM_FILE=myfile.osm.gz # The name of the temp file to create during processing (Note: must have the same extension as OSM_FILE to ensure the same compression method is used. TEMP_OSM_FILE=tmp.osm.gz # The directory containing the state associated with the --read-change-interval task previously initiated with the --read-change-interval-init task. WORKING_DIRECTORY=./ # The bounding box to maintain. LEFT=-180 BOTTOM=-90 RIGHT=180 TOP=90 # The osmosis command. CMD="osmosis -q" # Launch the osmosis process. $CMD --read-change-interval $WORKING_DIRECTORY --read-xml $OSM_FILE --apply-change --bounding-box left=$LEFT bottom=$BOTTOM right=$RIGHT top=$TOP --write-xml $TEMP_OSM_FILE STATUS=$? # Verify that osmosis ran successfully. if [ "$STATUS" -ne "0" ]; then echo "Osmosis failed, aborting." exit $STATUS fi mv $TEMP_OSM_FILE $OSM_FILE