@ECHO OFF REM This is an equivalent Windows batch file to complement the unix shell script REM Corresponding lines from the shell script are printed before the matching batch file commands REM # Config files can define several variables used throughout this script. REM # JAVACMD - The java command to launch osmosis. REM # JAVACMD_OPTIONS - The options to append to the java command, typically used to modify jvm settings such as max memory. REM # OSMOSIS_OPTIONS - The options to apply to all osmosis invocations, typically used to add plugins or make quiet operation the default. REM if [ -f /etc/osmosis ] ; then REM . /etc/osmosis REM fi IF EXIST "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\osmosis.bat" CALL "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\osmosis.bat" REM if [ -f "$HOME/.osmosis" ] ; then REM . "$HOME/.osmosis" REM fi IF EXIST "%USERPROFILE%\osmosis.bat" CALL "%USERPROFILE%\osmosis.bat" REM if [ -z "$JAVACMD" ] ; then REM # No JAVACMD provided in osmosis config files, therefore default to java REM JAVACMD=java REM fi IF "%JAVACMD%"=="" set JAVACMD=java REM Set "SAVEDIR" to the current directory set SAVEDIR=%CD% set MYAPP_HOME=%~dp0.. REM Now make the MYAPP_HOME path absolute cd /D %MYAPP_HOME% set MYAPP_HOME=%CD% REM Change back to the original directory cd /D %SAVEDIR% set MAINCLASS=org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher set PLEXUS_CP=%MYAPP_HOME%\lib\default\plexus-classworlds-2.5.2.jar SET EXEC="%JAVACMD%" %JAVACMD_OPTIONS% -cp "%PLEXUS_CP%" -Dapp.home="%MYAPP_HOME%" -Dclassworlds.conf="%MYAPP_HOME%\config\plexus.conf" %MAINCLASS% %OSMOSIS_OPTIONS% %* %EXEC%