Add Path, ShortestPath, etc. without implementation.

This commit is contained in:
Mikael Capelle 2018-03-13 14:09:40 +01:00
parent 251dbbb074
commit 2624681499
11 changed files with 803 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
package org.insa.algo;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.insa.algo.shortestpath.AStarAlgorithm;
import org.insa.algo.shortestpath.BellmanFordAlgorithm;
import org.insa.algo.shortestpath.DijkstraAlgorithm;
import org.insa.algo.shortestpath.ShortestPathAlgorithm;
import org.insa.algo.weakconnectivity.WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgorithm;
* Factory class used to register and retrieve algorithms based on their common
* ancestor and name.
public class AlgorithmFactory {
// Map between algorithm names and class.
private final static Map<Class<? extends AbstractAlgorithm<?>>, Map<String, Class<? extends AbstractAlgorithm<?>>>> ALGORITHMS = new IdentityHashMap<>();
static {
// Register weakly-connected components algorithm:
registerAlgorithm(WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgorithm.class, "WCC basic",
// Register shortest path algorithm:
registerAlgorithm(ShortestPathAlgorithm.class, "Bellman-Ford", BellmanFordAlgorithm.class);
registerAlgorithm(ShortestPathAlgorithm.class, "Dijkstra", DijkstraAlgorithm.class);
registerAlgorithm(ShortestPathAlgorithm.class, "A*", AStarAlgorithm.class);
// Register your algorithms here:
// registerAlgorithm(CarPoolingAlgorithm.class, "My Awesome Algorithm",
// MyCarPoolingAlgorithm.class);
* Register the given algorithm class with the given name as a child class of
* the given base algorithm.
* @param baseAlgorithm Base algorithm class that corresponds to the newly
* registered algorithm class (e.g., generic algorithm class for the
* problem).
* @param name Name for the registered algorithm class.
* @param algoClass Algorithm class to register.
public static void registerAlgorithm(Class<? extends AbstractAlgorithm<?>> baseAlgorithm,
String name, Class<? extends AbstractAlgorithm<?>> algoClass) {
if (!ALGORITHMS.containsKey(baseAlgorithm)) {
ALGORITHMS.put(baseAlgorithm, new LinkedHashMap<>());
ALGORITHMS.get(baseAlgorithm).put(name, algoClass);
* Create an instance of the given algorithm class using the given input data.
* Assuming algorithm correspond to a class "Algorithm", this function returns
* an object equivalent to `new Algorithm(data)`.
* @param algorithm Class of the algorithm to create.
* @param data Input data for the algorithm.
* @return A new instance of the given algorithm class using the given data.
* @throws Exception if something wrong happens when constructing the object,
* i.e. the given input data does not correspond to the given algorithm
* and/or no constructor that takes a single parameter of type
* (data.getClass()) exists.
public static AbstractAlgorithm<?> createAlgorithm(
Class<? extends AbstractAlgorithm<?>> algorithm, AbstractInputData data)
throws Exception {
// Retrieve the set of constructors for the given algorithm class.
Constructor<?>[] constructors = algorithm.getDeclaredConstructors();
// Within this set, find the constructor that can be called with "data" (only).
AbstractAlgorithm<?> constructed = null;
for (Constructor<?> c: constructors) {
Class<?>[] params = c.getParameterTypes();
if (params.length == 1 && params[0].isAssignableFrom(data.getClass())) {
constructed = (AbstractAlgorithm<?>) c.newInstance(new Object[]{ data });
return constructed;
* Return the algorithm class corresponding to the given base algorithm class
* and name. The algorithm must have been previously registered using
* registerAlgorithm.
* @param baseAlgorithm Base algorithm class for the algorithm to retrieve.
* @param name Name of the algorithm to retrieve.
* @return Class corresponding to the given name.
* @see #registerAlgorithm
public static Class<? extends AbstractAlgorithm<?>> getAlgorithmClass(
Class<? extends AbstractAlgorithm<?>> baseAlgorithm, String name) {
return ALGORITHMS.get(baseAlgorithm).get(name);
* Return the list of names corresponding to the registered algorithm classes
* for the given base algorithm class.
* @param baseAlgorithm Base algorithm class for the algorithm class names to
* retrieve.
* @return Names of the currently registered algorithms.
* @see #registerAlgorithm
public static Set<String> getAlgorithmNames(
Class<? extends AbstractAlgorithm<?>> baseAlgorithm) {
if (!ALGORITHMS.containsKey(baseAlgorithm)) {
return new TreeSet<>();
return ALGORITHMS.get(baseAlgorithm).keySet();

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
package org.insa.algo.shortestpath;
public class AStarAlgorithm extends DijkstraAlgorithm {
public AStarAlgorithm(ShortestPathData data) {

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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
package org.insa.algo.shortestpath;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import org.insa.algo.AbstractInputData;
import org.insa.algo.AbstractSolution.Status;
import org.insa.graph.Arc;
import org.insa.graph.Graph;
import org.insa.graph.Node;
import org.insa.graph.Path;
public class BellmanFordAlgorithm extends ShortestPathAlgorithm {
public BellmanFordAlgorithm(ShortestPathData data) {
protected ShortestPathSolution doRun() {
// Retrieve the graph.
ShortestPathData data = getInputData();
Graph graph = data.getGraph();
final int nbNodes = graph.getNodes().size();
// Initialize array of distances.
double[] distances = new double[nbNodes];
Arrays.fill(distances, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
distances[data.getOrigin().getId()] = 0;
// Notify observers about the first event (origin processed).
// Initialize array of predecessors.
Arc[] predecessorArcs = new Arc[nbNodes];
// Actual algorithm, we will assume the graph does not contain negative cycle...
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; !found && i < nbNodes; ++i) {
found = true;
for (Node node: graph.getNodes()) {
for (Arc arc: node.getSuccessors()) {
// Small test to check allowed roads...
if (!data.isAllowed(arc)) {
// Retrieve weight of the arc.
double w = data.getMode() == AbstractInputData.Mode.LENGTH ? arc.getLength()
: arc.getMinimumTravelTime();
double oldDistance = distances[arc.getDestination().getId()];
double newDistance = distances[node.getId()] + w;
if (Double.isInfinite(oldDistance) && Double.isFinite(newDistance)) {
// Check if new distances would be better, if so update...
if (newDistance < oldDistance) {
found = false;
distances[arc.getDestination().getId()] = distances[node.getId()] + w;
predecessorArcs[arc.getDestination().getId()] = arc;
ShortestPathSolution solution = null;
// Destination has no predecessor, the solution is infeasible...
if (predecessorArcs[data.getDestination().getId()] == null) {
solution = new ShortestPathSolution(data, Status.INFEASIBLE);
else {
// The destination has been found, notify the observers.
// Create the path from the array of predecessors...
ArrayList<Arc> arcs = new ArrayList<>();
Arc arc = predecessorArcs[data.getDestination().getId()];
while (arc != null) {
arc = predecessorArcs[arc.getOrigin().getId()];
// Reverse the path...
// Create the final solution.
solution = new ShortestPathSolution(data, Status.OPTIMAL, new Path(graph, arcs));
return solution;

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package org.insa.algo.shortestpath;
public class DijkstraAlgorithm extends ShortestPathAlgorithm {
public DijkstraAlgorithm(ShortestPathData data) {
protected ShortestPathSolution doRun() {
ShortestPathData data = getInputData();
ShortestPathSolution solution = null;
// TODO:
return solution;

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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
package org.insa.algo.shortestpath;
import org.insa.algo.AbstractAlgorithm;
import org.insa.graph.Node;
public abstract class ShortestPathAlgorithm extends AbstractAlgorithm<ShortestPathObserver> {
protected ShortestPathAlgorithm(ShortestPathData data) {
public ShortestPathSolution run() {
return (ShortestPathSolution);
protected abstract ShortestPathSolution doRun();
public ShortestPathData getInputData() {
return (ShortestPathData) super.getInputData();
* Notify all observers that the origin has been processed.
* @param node Origin.
public void notifyOriginProcessed(Node node) {
for (ShortestPathObserver obs: getObservers()) {
* Notify all observers that a node has been reached for the first time.
* @param node Node that has been reached.
public void notifyNodeReached(Node node) {
for (ShortestPathObserver obs: getObservers()) {
* Notify all observers that a node has been marked, i.e. its final value has
* been set.
* @param node Node that has been marked.
public void notifyNodeMarked(Node node) {
for (ShortestPathObserver obs: getObservers()) {
* Notify all observers that the destination has been reached.
* @param node Destination.
public void notifyDestinationReached(Node node) {
for (ShortestPathObserver obs: getObservers()) {

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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
package org.insa.algo.shortestpath;
import org.insa.algo.AbstractInputData;
import org.insa.graph.Graph;
import org.insa.graph.Node;
public class ShortestPathData extends AbstractInputData {
// Origin and destination nodes.
private final Node origin, destination;
* Construct a new instance of ShortestPathData with the given parameters and
* for which all arcs are allowed.
* @param graph Graph in which the path should be looked for.
* @param origin Origin node of the path.
* @param destination Destination node of the path.
* @param mode Cost mode for the path.
public ShortestPathData(Graph graph, Node origin, Node destination, Mode mode) {
super(graph, mode);
this.origin = origin;
this.destination = destination;
* Construct a new instance of ShortestPathInputData with the given parameters.
* @param graph Graph in which the path should be looked for.
* @param origin Origin node of the path.
* @param destination Destination node of the path.
* @param mode Cost mode for the path.
* @param arcFilter Filter for arcs (used to allow only a specific set of arcs
* in the graph to be used).
public ShortestPathData(Graph graph, Node origin, Node destination, Mode mode,
AbstractInputData.ArcFilter arcFilter) {
super(graph, mode, arcFilter);
this.origin = origin;
this.destination = destination;
* @return Origin node for the path.
public Node getOrigin() {
return origin;
* @return Destination node for the path.
public Node getDestination() {
return destination;
public String toString() {
return "Shortest-path from #" + origin.getId() + " to #" + destination.getId() + " ["
+ getMode().toString().toLowerCase() + "]";

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package org.insa.algo.shortestpath;
import java.awt.Color;
import org.insa.graph.Node;
public class ShortestPathGraphicObserver implements ShortestPathObserver {
// Drawing and Graph drawing
protected Drawing drawing;
protected PointSetOverlay psOverlay1, psOverlay2;
public ShortestPathGraphicObserver(Drawing drawing) {
this.drawing = drawing;
psOverlay1 = drawing.createPointSetOverlay(1, Color.CYAN);
psOverlay2 = drawing.createPointSetOverlay(1, Color.BLUE);
public void notifyOriginProcessed(Node node) {
// drawing.drawMarker(node.getPoint(), Color.RED);
public void notifyNodeReached(Node node) {
public void notifyNodeMarked(Node node) {
public void notifyDestinationReached(Node node) {
// drawing.drawMarker(node.getPoint(), Color.RED);

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package org.insa.algo.shortestpath;
import org.insa.graph.Node;
public interface ShortestPathObserver {
* Notify the observer that the origin has been processed.
* @param node Origin.
public void notifyOriginProcessed(Node node);
* Notify the observer that a node has been reached for the first
* time.
* @param node Node that has been reached.
public void notifyNodeReached(Node node);
* Notify the observer that a node has been marked, i.e. its final
* value has been set.
* @param node Node that has been marked.
public void notifyNodeMarked(Node node);
* Notify the observer that the destination has been reached.
* @param node Destination.
public void notifyDestinationReached(Node node);

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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
package org.insa.algo.shortestpath;
import org.insa.algo.AbstractInputData;
import org.insa.algo.AbstractSolution;
import org.insa.graph.Path;
public class ShortestPathSolution extends AbstractSolution {
// Optimal solution.
private Path path;
* {@inheritDoc}
public ShortestPathSolution(ShortestPathData data) {
* Create a new infeasible shortest-path solution for the given input and
* status.
* @param data Original input data for this solution.
* @param status Status of the solution (UNKNOWN / INFEASIBLE).
public ShortestPathSolution(ShortestPathData data, Status status) {
super(data, status);
* Create a new shortest-path solution.
* @param data Original input data for this solution.
* @param status Status of the solution (FEASIBLE / OPTIMAL).
* @param path Path corresponding to the solution.
public ShortestPathSolution(ShortestPathData data, Status status, Path path) {
super(data, status);
this.path = path;
public ShortestPathData getInputData() {
return (ShortestPathData) super.getInputData();
* @return The path of this solution, if any.
public Path getPath() {
return path;
public String toString() {
String info = null;
if (!isFeasible()) {
info = String.format("No path found from node #%d to node #%d",
getInputData().getOrigin().getId(), getInputData().getDestination().getId());
else {
info = String.format("Found a path from node #%d to node #%d",
getInputData().getOrigin().getId(), getInputData().getDestination().getId());
if (getInputData().getMode() == AbstractInputData.Mode.LENGTH) {
info = String.format("%s, %.4f kilometers", info, (getPath().getLength() / 1000.0));
else {
info = String.format("%s, %.4f minutes", info,
(getPath().getMinimumTravelTime() / 60.0));
info += " in " + getSolvingTime().getSeconds() + " seconds.";
return info;

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package org.insa.algo.shortestpath;
import org.insa.graph.Node;
public class ShortestPathTextObserver implements ShortestPathObserver {
private final PrintStream stream;
public ShortestPathTextObserver(PrintStream stream) { = stream;
public void notifyOriginProcessed(Node node) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void notifyNodeReached(Node node) {
stream.println("Node " + node.getId() + " reached.");
public void notifyNodeMarked(Node node) {
stream.println("Node " + node.getId() + " marked.");
public void notifyDestinationReached(Node node) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

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@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
package org.insa.graph;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* Class representing a path between nodes in a graph.
* A path is represented as a list of {@link Arc} and not a list of {@link Node}
* due to the multigraph nature of the considered graphs.
public class Path {
* Create a new path that goes through the given list of nodes (in order),
* choosing the fastest route if multiple are available.
* @param graph Graph containing the nodes in the list.
* @param nodes List of nodes to build the path.
* @return A path that goes through the given list of nodes.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the list of nodes is not valid, i.e. two
* consecutive nodes in the list are not connected in the graph.
* @deprecated Need to be implement.
public static Path createFastestPathFromNodes(Graph graph, List<Node> nodes)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
List<Arc> arcs = new ArrayList<Arc>();
// TODO:
return new Path(graph, arcs);
* Create a new path that goes through the given list of nodes (in order),
* choosing the shortest route if multiple are available.
* @param graph Graph containing the nodes in the list.
* @param nodes List of nodes to build the path.
* @return A path that goes through the given list of nodes.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the list of nodes is not valid, i.e. two
* consecutive nodes in the list are not connected in the graph.
* @deprecated Need to be implement.
public static Path createShortestPathFromNodes(Graph graph, List<Node> nodes)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
List<Arc> arcs = new ArrayList<Arc>();
// TODO:
return new Path(graph, arcs);
* Concatenate the given paths.
* @param paths Array of paths to concatenate.
* @return Concatenated path.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the paths cannot be concatenated (IDs of
* map do not match, or the end of a path is not the beginning of the
* next).
public static Path concatenate(Path... paths) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (paths.length == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot concatenate an empty list of paths.");
final String mapId = paths[0].getGraph().getMapId();
for (int i = 1; i < paths.length; ++i) {
if (!paths[i].getGraph().getMapId().equals(mapId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot concatenate paths from different graphs.");
ArrayList<Arc> arcs = new ArrayList<>();
for (Path path: paths) {
Path path = new Path(paths[0].getGraph(), arcs);
if (!path.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot concatenate paths that do not form a single path.");
return path;
// Graph containing this path.
private final Graph graph;
// Origin of the path
private final Node origin;
// List of arcs in this path.
private final List<Arc> arcs;
* Create an empty path corresponding to the given graph.
* @param graph Graph containing the path.
public Path(Graph graph) {
this.graph = graph;
this.origin = null;
this.arcs = new ArrayList<>();
* Create a new path containing a single node.
* @param graph Graph containing the path.
* @param node Single node of the path.
public Path(Graph graph, Node node) {
this.graph = graph;
this.origin = node;
this.arcs = new ArrayList<>();
* Create a new path with the given list of arcs.
* @param graph Graph containing the path.
* @param arcs Arcs to construct the path.
public Path(Graph graph, List<Arc> arcs) {
this.graph = graph;
this.arcs = arcs;
this.origin = arcs.size() > 0 ? arcs.get(0).getOrigin() : null;
* @return Graph containing the path.
public Graph getGraph() {
return graph;
* @return First node of the path.
public Node getOrigin() {
return origin;
* @return Last node of the path.
public Node getDestination() {
return arcs.get(arcs.size() - 1).getDestination();
* @return List of arcs in the path.
public List<Arc> getArcs() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(arcs);
* Check if this path is empty (it does not contain any node).
* @return true if this path is empty, false otherwise.
public boolean isEmpty() {
return arcs.isEmpty();
* Check if this path is valid.
* A path is valid if it is empty, contains a single node (without arcs) or if
* the first arc has for origin the origin of the path and, for two consecutive
* arcs, the destination of the first one is the origin of the second one.
* @return true if the path is valid, false otherwise.
* @deprecated Need to be implement.
public boolean isValid() {
// TODO:
return false;
* @return Total length of the path.
* @deprecated Need to be implement.
public float getLength() {
// TODO:
return 0;
* Compute the time required to travel this path if moving at the given speed.
* @param speed Speed to compute the travel time.
* @return Time (in seconds) required to travel this path at the given speed (in
* kilometers-per-hour).
* @deprecated Need to be implement.
public double getTravelTime(double speed) {
// TODO:
return 0;
* @return Minimum travel time of the in seconds (assuming maximum speed).
* @deprecated Need to be implement.
public double getMinimumTravelTime() {
// TODO:
return 0;