Enforce immutability via final and unmodifiableList.

This commit is contained in:
Holt59 2018-02-24 21:02:04 +01:00
parent 7640fa34c7
commit d00e012497
9 changed files with 504 additions and 498 deletions

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@ -2,9 +2,10 @@ package org.insa.algo.weakconnectivity;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
import org.insa.algo.AbstractAlgorithm;
import org.insa.algo.AbstractSolution.Status;
@ -12,146 +13,149 @@ import org.insa.graph.Arc;
import org.insa.graph.Graph;
import org.insa.graph.Node;
public class WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgorithm extends AbstractAlgorithm<WeaklyConnectedComponentObserver>{
public class WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgorithm extends AbstractAlgorithm<WeaklyConnectedComponentObserver> {
* @param instance
* @param logOutput
public WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgorithm(WeaklyConnectedComponentsData instance) {
public WeaklyConnectedComponentsSolution run() {
return (WeaklyConnectedComponentsSolution)super.run();
public WeaklyConnectedComponentsData getInstance() {
return (WeaklyConnectedComponentsData)super.getInstance();
* Notify all observers that the algorithm is entering a new component.
* @param curNode Starting node for the component.
protected void notifyStartComponent(Node curNode) {
for (WeaklyConnectedComponentObserver obs: getObservers()) {
* Notify all observers that a new node has been found for the current component.
* @param node New node found for the current component.
protected void notifyNewNodeInComponent(Node node) {
for (WeaklyConnectedComponentObserver obs: getObservers()) {
* Notify all observers that the algorithm has computed a new component.
* @param nodes List of nodes in the component.
protected void notifyEndComponent(ArrayList<Node> nodes) {
for (WeaklyConnectedComponentObserver obs: getObservers()) {
* @return An adjacency list for the undirected graph equivalent to the stored graph.
protected ArrayList<HashSet<Integer>> createUndirectedGraph() {
int nNodes = getInstance().getGraph().getNodes().size();
ArrayList<HashSet<Integer>> res = new ArrayList<HashSet<Integer>>(nNodes);
for (int i = 0; i < nNodes; ++i) {
res.add(new HashSet<Integer>());
for (Node node: getInstance().getGraph().getNodes()) {
for (Arc arc: node.getSuccessors()) {
if (arc.getInfo().isOneWay()) {
return res;
* Apply a breadth first search algorithm on the given undirected graph (adjacency list),
* starting at node cur, and marking nodes in marked.
* @param marked
* @param cur
* @return
protected ArrayList<Node> bfs(ArrayList<HashSet<Integer>> ugraph, boolean[] marked, int cur) {
ArrayList<Node> nodes = getInstance().getGraph().getNodes();
ArrayList<Node> component = new ArrayList<Node>();
// Using a queue because we are doing a BFS
Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<Integer>();
* @param instance
* @param logOutput
public WeaklyConnectedComponentsAlgorithm(WeaklyConnectedComponentsData instance) {
// Notify observers about the current component.
// Add original node and loop until the queue is empty.
marked[cur] = true;
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
Node node = nodes.get(queue.remove());
// Notify observers
for (Integer destId: ugraph.get(node.getId())) {
Node dest = nodes.get(destId);
if (!marked[dest.getId()]) {
marked[destId] = true;
return component;
public WeaklyConnectedComponentsSolution run() {
return (WeaklyConnectedComponentsSolution) super.run();
protected WeaklyConnectedComponentsSolution doRun() {
Graph graph = getInstance().getGraph();
ArrayList<HashSet<Integer>> ugraph = createUndirectedGraph();
boolean[] marked = new boolean[graph.getNodes().size()];
Arrays.fill(marked, false);
ArrayList<ArrayList<Node>> components = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Node>>();
// perform algorithm
int cur = 0;
while (cur < marked.length) {
// Apply BFS
components.add(this.bfs(ugraph, marked, cur));
// Find next non-marked
for (; cur < marked.length && marked[cur]; ++cur);
return new WeaklyConnectedComponentsSolution(getInstance(), Status.OPTIMAL, components);
public WeaklyConnectedComponentsData getInstance() {
return (WeaklyConnectedComponentsData) super.getInstance();
* Notify all observers that the algorithm is entering a new component.
* @param curNode Starting node for the component.
protected void notifyStartComponent(Node curNode) {
for (WeaklyConnectedComponentObserver obs: getObservers()) {
* Notify all observers that a new node has been found for the current
* component.
* @param node New node found for the current component.
protected void notifyNewNodeInComponent(Node node) {
for (WeaklyConnectedComponentObserver obs: getObservers()) {
* Notify all observers that the algorithm has computed a new component.
* @param nodes List of nodes in the component.
protected void notifyEndComponent(ArrayList<Node> nodes) {
for (WeaklyConnectedComponentObserver obs: getObservers()) {
* @return An adjacency list for the undirected graph equivalent to the stored
* graph.
protected ArrayList<HashSet<Integer>> createUndirectedGraph() {
int nNodes = getInstance().getGraph().getNodes().size();
ArrayList<HashSet<Integer>> res = new ArrayList<HashSet<Integer>>(nNodes);
for (int i = 0; i < nNodes; ++i) {
res.add(new HashSet<Integer>());
for (Node node: getInstance().getGraph().getNodes()) {
for (Arc arc: node.getSuccessors()) {
if (arc.getInfo().isOneWay()) {
return res;
* Apply a breadth first search algorithm on the given undirected graph
* (adjacency list), starting at node cur, and marking nodes in marked.
* @param marked
* @param cur
* @return
protected ArrayList<Node> bfs(ArrayList<HashSet<Integer>> ugraph, boolean[] marked, int cur) {
List<Node> nodes = getInstance().getGraph().getNodes();
ArrayList<Node> component = new ArrayList<Node>();
// Using a queue because we are doing a BFS
Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<Integer>();
// Notify observers about the current component.
// Add original node and loop until the queue is empty.
marked[cur] = true;
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
Node node = nodes.get(queue.remove());
// Notify observers
for (Integer destId: ugraph.get(node.getId())) {
Node dest = nodes.get(destId);
if (!marked[dest.getId()]) {
marked[destId] = true;
return component;
protected WeaklyConnectedComponentsSolution doRun() {
Graph graph = getInstance().getGraph();
ArrayList<HashSet<Integer>> ugraph = createUndirectedGraph();
boolean[] marked = new boolean[graph.getNodes().size()];
Arrays.fill(marked, false);
ArrayList<ArrayList<Node>> components = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Node>>();
// perform algorithm
int cur = 0;
while (cur < marked.length) {
// Apply BFS
components.add(this.bfs(ugraph, marked, cur));
// Find next non-marked
for (; cur < marked.length && marked[cur]; ++cur)
return new WeaklyConnectedComponentsSolution(getInstance(), Status.OPTIMAL, components);

View File

@ -1,92 +1,95 @@
package org.insa.graph;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public class Arc {
// Destination node.
private Node origin, destination;
// Length of the road (in meters).
private int length;
// Road information.
RoadInformation info;
// Segments.
ArrayList<Point> points;
* @param dest
* @param length
* @param roadInformation
* @param points
public Arc(Node origin, Node dest, int length, RoadInformation roadInformation) {
this.origin = origin;
this.destination = dest;
this.length = length;
this.info = roadInformation;
this.points = new ArrayList<Point>();
// Destination node.
private final Node origin, destination;
* @param dest
* @param length
* @param roadInformation
* @param points
public Arc(Node origin, Node dest, int length, RoadInformation roadInformation, ArrayList<Point> points) {
this.origin = origin;
this.destination = dest;
this.length = length;
this.info = roadInformation;
this.points = points;
* @return Origin node of this arc.
public Node getOrigin() {
return origin;
* @return Destination node of this arc.
public Node getDestination() {
return destination;
// Length of the road (in meters).
private final int length;
* @return Length of this arc, in meters.
public int getLength() {
return length;
* @return Minimum time required to travel this arc, in seconds.
public double getMinimumTravelTime() {
return getLength() * 3600.0 / (info.getMaximumSpeed() * 1000.0);
// Road information.
private final RoadInformation info;
* @return Road information for this arc.
public RoadInformation getInfo() {
return info;
// Segments.
private final ArrayList<Point> points;
* @return Points representing segments of this arc. This function may return an empty
* ArrayList if the segments are stored in the reversed arc (for two-ways road).
public ArrayList<Point> getPoints() {
return points;
* @param dest
* @param length
* @param roadInformation
* @param points
public Arc(Node origin, Node dest, int length, RoadInformation roadInformation) {
this.origin = origin;
this.destination = dest;
this.length = length;
this.info = roadInformation;
this.points = new ArrayList<Point>();
* @param dest
* @param length
* @param roadInformation
* @param points
public Arc(Node origin, Node dest, int length, RoadInformation roadInformation, ArrayList<Point> points) {
this.origin = origin;
this.destination = dest;
this.length = length;
this.info = roadInformation;
this.points = points;
* @return Origin node of this arc.
public Node getOrigin() {
return origin;
* @return Destination node of this arc.
public Node getDestination() {
return destination;
* @return Length of this arc, in meters.
public int getLength() {
return length;
* @return Minimum time required to travel this arc, in seconds.
public double getMinimumTravelTime() {
return getLength() * 3600.0 / (info.getMaximumSpeed() * 1000.0);
* @return Road information for this arc.
public RoadInformation getInfo() {
return info;
* @return Points representing segments of this arc. This function may return an
* empty ArrayList if the segments are stored in the reversed arc (for
* two-ways road).
public List<Point> getPoints() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(points);

View File

@ -1,60 +1,66 @@
package org.insa.graph ;
package org.insa.graph;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public class Graph {
// Map identifier.
private int mapId;
// Nodes of the graph.
private ArrayList<Node> nodes;
// Map identifier.
private final int mapId;
* @param mapId
* @param nodes
public Graph(int mapId, ArrayList<Node> nodes) {
this.mapId = mapId;
this.nodes = nodes;
* @return Nodes of this graph.
public ArrayList<Node> getNodes() { return nodes; }
* Find the closet node to the given point.
* @param point
* @return Closest node to the given point.
public Node findClosestNode(Point point) {
Node node = null;
double minDis = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (int n = 0 ; n < nodes.size(); ++n) {
double dis = point.distanceTo(nodes.get(n).getPoint());
if (dis < minDis) {
node = nodes.get(n);
minDis = dis;
// Nodes of the graph.
private final ArrayList<Node> nodes;
* @param mapId
* @param nodes
public Graph(int mapId, ArrayList<Node> nodes) {
this.mapId = mapId;
this.nodes = nodes;
* @return Nodes of this graph.
public List<Node> getNodes() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(nodes);
* Find the closet node to the given point.
* @param point
* @return Closest node to the given point.
public Node findClosestNode(Point point) {
Node node = null;
double minDis = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (int n = 0; n < nodes.size(); ++n) {
double dis = point.distanceTo(nodes.get(n).getPoint());
if (dis < minDis) {
node = nodes.get(n);
minDis = dis;
return node;
* @return Map ID of this graph.
public int getMapId() { return mapId; }
* @return Return the transpose graph of this graph.
public Graph transpose() {
// TODO:
return null;
return node;
* @return Map ID of this graph.
public int getMapId() {
return mapId;
* @return Return the transpose graph of this graph.
public Graph transpose() {
// TODO:
return null;

View File

@ -1,65 +1,73 @@
package org.insa.graph;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public class Node implements Comparable<Node> {
// ID of the node.
private int id;
// Point of this graph.
private Point point;
// Successors.
private ArrayList<Arc> successors;
* Create a new Node corresponding to the given Point with
* an empty list of successors.
* @param point
public Node(int id, Point point) {
this.id = id;
this.point = point;
this.successors = new ArrayList<Arc>();
// ID of the node.
private final int id;
* Add a successor to this node.
* @param arc Arc to the successor.
protected void addSuccessor(Arc arc) {
* @return ID of this node.
public int getId() { return id; }
* @return List of successors of this node.
public ArrayList<Arc> getSuccessors() { return successors; }
* @return Point of this node.
public Point getPoint() { return point; }
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other instanceof Node) {
return getId() == ((Node) other).getId();
return false;
// Point of this graph.
private final Point point;
// Successors.
private final ArrayList<Arc> successors;
* Create a new Node corresponding to the given Point with an empty list of
* successors.
* @param point
public Node(int id, Point point) {
this.id = id;
this.point = point;
this.successors = new ArrayList<Arc>();
* Add a successor to this node.
* @param arc Arc to the successor.
protected void addSuccessor(Arc arc) {
* @return ID of this node.
public int getId() {
return id;
* @return List of successors of this node.
public List<Arc> getSuccessors() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(successors);
* @return Point of this node.
public Point getPoint() {
return point;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other instanceof Node) {
return getId() == ((Node) other).getId();
return false;
public int compareTo(Node other) {
return Integer.compare(getId(), other.getId());
public int compareTo(Node other) {
return Integer.compare(getId(), other.getId());

View File

@ -5,62 +5,66 @@ package org.insa.graph;
public class Point {
// Earth radius, in meters;
private static final double EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137.0 ;
* Compute the distance between the two given points.
* @param long1
* @param lat1
* @param long2
* @param lat2
* @return
public static double distance(Point p1, Point p2) {
double sinLat = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(p1.getLatitude()))*Math.sin(Math.toRadians(p2.getLatitude()));
double cosLat = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(p1.getLatitude()))*Math.cos(Math.toRadians(p2.getLatitude()));
double cosLong = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(p2.getLongitude() - p1.getLongitude()));
return EARTH_RADIUS * Math.acos(sinLat+cosLat*cosLong);
// Longitude and latitude of the point.
private double longitude, latitude;
* @param longitude Longitude of the point, in degrees.
* @param latitude Latitude of the point, in degrees.
public Point(double longitude, double latitude) {
this.longitude = longitude;
this.latitude = latitude;
* @return Longitude of this point (in degrees).
public double getLongitude() { return longitude; }
* @return Latitude of this point (in degrees).
public double getLatitude() { return latitude; }
// Earth radius, in meters;
private static final double EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137.0;
* Compute the distance from this point to the given point
* @param target Target point.
* @return Distane between this point and the target point, in meters.
public double distanceTo(Point target) {
return distance(this, target);
* Compute the distance between the two given points.
* @param long1
* @param lat1
* @param long2
* @param lat2
* @return
public static double distance(Point p1, Point p2) {
double sinLat = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(p1.getLatitude())) * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(p2.getLatitude()));
double cosLat = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(p1.getLatitude())) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(p2.getLatitude()));
double cosLong = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(p2.getLongitude() - p1.getLongitude()));
return EARTH_RADIUS * Math.acos(sinLat + cosLat * cosLong);
public String toString() {
return String.format("Point(%f, %f)", getLongitude(), getLatitude());
// Longitude and latitude of the point.
private final double longitude, latitude;
* @param longitude Longitude of the point, in degrees.
* @param latitude Latitude of the point, in degrees.
public Point(double longitude, double latitude) {
this.longitude = longitude;
this.latitude = latitude;
* @return Longitude of this point (in degrees).
public double getLongitude() {
return longitude;
* @return Latitude of this point (in degrees).
public double getLatitude() {
return latitude;
* Compute the distance from this point to the given point
* @param target Target point.
* @return Distane between this point and the target point, in meters.
public double distanceTo(Point target) {
return distance(this, target);
public String toString() {
return String.format("Point(%f, %f)", getLongitude(), getLatitude());

View File

@ -1,85 +1,75 @@
package org.insa.graph ;
package org.insa.graph;
* Class containing information for road that may be shared
* by multiple arcs.
* Class containing information for road that may be shared by multiple arcs.
public class RoadInformation {
* Road type.
public enum RoadType {
// Type of the road (see above).
private RoadType type;
* Road type.
public enum RoadType {
// One way road?
private boolean oneway;
// Type of the road (see above).
private final RoadType type;
// Max speed in kilometers per hour.
private int maxSpeed;
// One way road?
private final boolean oneway;
// Name of the road.
private String name;
// Max speed in kilometers per hour.
private final int maxSpeed;
public RoadInformation(RoadType roadType, boolean isOneWay, int maxSpeed, String name) {
this.type = roadType;
this.oneway = isOneWay;
this.maxSpeed = maxSpeed;
this.name = name;
* @return Type of the road.
public RoadType getType() { return type; }
* @return true if this is a one-way road.
public boolean isOneWay() { return oneway; }
* @return Maximum speed for this road (in km/h).
public int getMaximumSpeed() { return maxSpeed; }
* @return Name of the road.
public String getName() { return name; }
// Name of the road.
private final String name;
public String toString() {
String typeAsString = "road";
if (getType() == RoadType.COASTLINE) {
typeAsString = "coast";
if (getType() == RoadType.MOTORWAY) {
typeAsString = "highway";
return typeAsString + " : " + getName()
+ " " + (isOneWay() ? " (oneway) " : "")
+ maxSpeed + " km/h (max.)";
public RoadInformation(RoadType roadType, boolean isOneWay, int maxSpeed, String name) {
this.type = roadType;
this.oneway = isOneWay;
this.maxSpeed = maxSpeed;
this.name = name;
* @return Type of the road.
public RoadType getType() {
return type;
* @return true if this is a one-way road.
public boolean isOneWay() {
return oneway;
* @return Maximum speed for this road (in km/h).
public int getMaximumSpeed() {
return maxSpeed;
* @return Name of the road.
public String getName() {
return name;
public String toString() {
String typeAsString = "road";
if (getType() == RoadType.COASTLINE) {
typeAsString = "coast";
if (getType() == RoadType.MOTORWAY) {
typeAsString = "highway";
return typeAsString + " : " + getName() + " " + (isOneWay() ? " (oneway) " : "") + maxSpeed + " km/h (max.)";

View File

@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
@ -238,14 +238,12 @@ public class BasicDrawing extends JPanel implements Drawing {
* Draw the given arc.
* @param arc
* Arc to draw.
* @param palette
* Palette to use to retrieve color and width for arc, or null to use
* current settings.
* @param arc Arc to draw.
* @param palette Palette to use to retrieve color and width for arc, or null to
* use current settings.
public void drawArc(Arc arc, GraphPalette palette) {
ArrayList<Point> pts = arc.getPoints();
List<Point> pts = arc.getPoints();
if (!pts.isEmpty()) {
if (palette != null) {

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package org.insa.graphics.drawing.utils;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.insa.graph.Point;
import org.mapsforge.core.graphics.Canvas;
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public class PolylineAutoScaling extends Polyline {
* @param points
public void add(ArrayList<Point> points) {
public void add(List<Point> points) {
for (Point point: points) {

View File

@ -1,60 +1,53 @@
package org.insa.graph.io;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.fail;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.insa.graph.Graph;
import org.insa.graph.Node;
import org.insa.graph.Point;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource;
public class BinaryGraphReaderTest {
// Epsilon for latitude and longitude.
private static final double EPS = 1e-5;
private static Graph midip;
// Epsilon for latitude and longitude.
private static final double EPS = 1e-5;
private static Graph midip;
static void initAll() throws IOException {
BinaryGraphReader reader = new BinaryGraphReader(Openfile.open("midip"));
midip = reader.read();
BinaryGraphReader reader = new BinaryGraphReader(Openfile.open("midip"));
midip = reader.read();
void assertPointAt(Point p1, double longitude, double latitude) {
assertEquals(p1.getLongitude(), longitude, EPS);
assertEquals(p1.getLatitude(), latitude, EPS);
void assertPointAt(Point p1, double longitude, double latitude) {
assertEquals(p1.getLongitude(), longitude, EPS);
assertEquals(p1.getLatitude(), latitude, EPS);
void testMidipNodes() {
ArrayList<Node> nodes = midip.getNodes();
assertEquals(nodes.size(), 150827);
// Check the locations of some nodes.
assertPointAt(nodes.get(58411).getPoint(), 1.799864, 43.92864);
assertPointAt(nodes.get(133312).getPoint(), 0.539752, 43.317505);
assertPointAt(nodes.get(113688).getPoint(), 1.682739, 44.799774);
assertPointAt(nodes.get(118141).getPoint(), 0.274857, 43.47475);
assertPointAt(nodes.get(146918).getPoint(), 0.116148, 43.811386);
List<Node> nodes = midip.getNodes();
assertEquals(nodes.size(), 150827);
// Check the locations of some nodes.
assertPointAt(nodes.get(58411).getPoint(), 1.799864, 43.92864);
assertPointAt(nodes.get(133312).getPoint(), 0.539752, 43.317505);
assertPointAt(nodes.get(113688).getPoint(), 1.682739, 44.799774);
assertPointAt(nodes.get(118141).getPoint(), 0.274857, 43.47475);
assertPointAt(nodes.get(146918).getPoint(), 0.116148, 43.811386);
void testMidipArcs() {
// TODO: Check the number of edges.
// TODO: Check information for some edges.
// TODO: Check the number of edges.
// TODO: Check information for some edges.