# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import sys from typing import Literal import numpy as np import parse from tqdm import tqdm Reagent = Literal["ore", "clay", "obsidian", "geode"] REAGENTS: tuple[Reagent, ...] = ( "ore", "clay", "obsidian", "geode", ) IntOfReagent = dict[Reagent, int] class State: robots: IntOfReagent reagents: IntOfReagent def __init__( self, robots: IntOfReagent | None = None, reagents: IntOfReagent | None = None, ): if robots is None: assert reagents is None self.reagents = {reagent: 0 for reagent in REAGENTS} self.robots = {reagent: 0 for reagent in REAGENTS} self.robots["ore"] = 1 else: assert robots is not None and reagents is not None self.robots = robots self.reagents = reagents def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: return ( isinstance(other, State) and self.robots == other.robots and self.reagents == other.reagents ) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(tuple((self.robots[r], self.reagents[r]) for r in REAGENTS)) def __str__(self) -> str: return "State({}, {})".format( "/".join(str(self.robots[k]) for k in REAGENTS), "/".join(str(self.reagents[k]) for k in REAGENTS), ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self) def dominates(lhs: State, rhs: State): return all( lhs.robots[r] >= rhs.robots[r] and lhs.reagents[r] >= rhs.reagents[r] for r in REAGENTS ) lines = sys.stdin.read().splitlines() blueprints: list[dict[Reagent, IntOfReagent]] = [] for line in lines: r = parse.parse( "Blueprint {}: " "Each ore robot costs {:d} ore. " "Each clay robot costs {:d} ore. " "Each obsidian robot costs {:d} ore and {:d} clay. " "Each geode robot costs {:d} ore and {:d} obsidian.", line, ) blueprints.append( { "ore": {"ore": r[1]}, "clay": {"ore": r[2]}, "obsidian": {"ore": r[3], "clay": r[4]}, "geode": {"ore": r[5], "obsidian": r[6]}, } ) def run(blueprint: dict[Reagent, dict[Reagent, int]], max_time: int) -> int: # since we can only build one robot per time, we do not need more than X robots # of type K where X is the maximum number of K required among all robots, e.g., # in the first toy blueprint, we need at most 4 ore robots, 14 clay ones and 7 # obsidian ones maximums = { name: max(blueprint[r].get(name, 0) for r in REAGENTS) for name in REAGENTS } state_after_t: dict[int, set[State]] = {0: [State()]} for t in range(1, max_time + 1): # list of new states at the end of step t that we are going to prune later states_for_t: set[State] = set() for state in state_after_t[t - 1]: robots_that_can_be_built = [ robot for robot in REAGENTS if all( state.reagents[reagent] >= blueprint[robot].get(reagent, 0) for reagent in REAGENTS ) ] states_for_t.add( State( robots=state.robots, reagents={ reagent: state.reagents[reagent] + state.robots[reagent] for reagent in REAGENTS }, ) ) # this speeds-up the process and work but I am not 100% sure this is right if "geode" in robots_that_can_be_built: robots_that_can_be_built = ["geode"] else: robots_that_can_be_built = [ robot for robot in robots_that_can_be_built if state.robots[robot] < maximums[robot] ] for robot in robots_that_can_be_built: robots = state.robots.copy() robots[robot] += 1 reagents = { reagent: state.reagents[reagent] + state.robots[reagent] - blueprint[robot].get(reagent, 0) for reagent in REAGENTS } states_for_t.add(State(robots=robots, reagents=reagents)) # use numpy to switch computation of dominated states -> store each state # as a 8 array and use numpy broadcasting to find dominated states states_after = np.asarray(list(states_for_t)) np_states = np.array( [ [state.robots[r] for r in REAGENTS] + [state.reagents[r] for r in REAGENTS] for state in states_after ] ) to_keep = [] while len(np_states) > 0: first_dom = (np_states[1:] >= np_states[0]).all(axis=1).any() if first_dom: np_states = np_states[1:] else: to_keep.append(np_states[0]) np_states = np_states[1:][~(np_states[1:] <= np_states[0]).all(axis=1)] state_after_t[t] = { State( robots=dict(zip(REAGENTS, row[:4])), reagents=dict(zip(REAGENTS, row[4:])), ) for row in to_keep } return max(state.reagents["geode"] for state in state_after_t[max_time]) answer_1 = sum( (i_blueprint + 1) * run(blueprint, 24) for i_blueprint, blueprint in enumerate(tqdm(blueprints)) ) print(f"answer 1 is {answer_1}") answer_2 = run(blueprints[0], 32) * run(blueprints[1], 32) * run(blueprints[2], 32) print(f"answer 2 is {answer_2}")