from __future__ import annotations import heapq import itertools import re import sys from collections import defaultdict from typing import FrozenSet, NamedTuple from tqdm import tqdm class Pipe(NamedTuple): name: str flow: int tunnels: list[str] def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool: return isinstance(other, Pipe) and < def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return isinstance(other, Pipe) and == def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash( def __str__(self) -> str: return def __repr__(self) -> str: return def breadth_first_search(pipes: dict[str, Pipe], pipe: Pipe) -> dict[Pipe, int]: """ Runs a BFS from the given pipe and return the shortest distance (in term of hops) to all other pipes. """ queue = [(0, pipe_1)] visited = set() distances: dict[Pipe, int] = {} while len(distances) < len(pipes): distance, current = heapq.heappop(queue) if current in visited: continue visited.add(current) distances[current] = distance for tunnel in current.tunnels: heapq.heappush(queue, (distance + 1, pipes[tunnel])) return distances def update_with_better( node_at_times: dict[FrozenSet[Pipe], int], flow: int, flowing: FrozenSet[Pipe] ) -> None: node_at_times[flowing] = max(node_at_times[flowing], flow) def part_1( start_pipe: Pipe, max_time: int, distances: dict[tuple[Pipe, Pipe], int], relevant_pipes: FrozenSet[Pipe], ): node_at_times: dict[int, dict[Pipe, dict[FrozenSet[Pipe], int]]] = defaultdict( lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0)) ) node_at_times[0] = {start_pipe: {frozenset(): 0}} for time in range(max_time): for c_pipe, nodes in node_at_times[time].items(): for flowing, flow in nodes.items(): for target in relevant_pipes: distance = distances[c_pipe, target] + 1 if time + distance >= max_time or target in flowing: continue update_with_better( node_at_times[time + distance][target], flow + sum(pipe.flow for pipe in flowing) * distance, flowing | {target}, ) update_with_better( node_at_times[max_time][c_pipe], flow + sum(pipe.flow for pipe in flowing) * (max_time - time), flowing, ) return max( flow for nodes_of_pipe in node_at_times[max_time].values() for flow in nodes_of_pipe.values() ) def part_2( start_pipe: Pipe, max_time: int, distances: dict[tuple[Pipe, Pipe], int], relevant_pipes: FrozenSet[Pipe], ): def compute(pipes_for_me: FrozenSet[Pipe]) -> int: return part_1(start_pipe, max_time, distances, pipes_for_me) + part_1( start_pipe, max_time, distances, relevant_pipes - pipes_for_me ) combs = [ frozenset(relevant_pipes_1) for r in range(2, len(relevant_pipes) // 2 + 1) for relevant_pipes_1 in itertools.combinations(relevant_pipes, r) ] return max(compute(comb) for comb in tqdm(combs)) # === MAIN === lines = pipes: dict[str, Pipe] = {} for line in lines: r = re.match( R"Valve ([A-Z]+) has flow rate=([0-9]+); tunnels? leads? to valves? (.+)", line, ) assert r g = r.groups() pipes[g[0]] = Pipe(g[0], int(g[1]), g[2].split(", ")) # compute distances from one valve to any other distances: dict[tuple[Pipe, Pipe], int] = {} for pipe_1 in pipes.values(): distances.update( { (pipe_1, pipe_2): distance for pipe_2, distance in breadth_first_search(pipes, pipe_1).items() } ) # valves with flow relevant_pipes = frozenset(pipe for pipe in pipes.values() if pipe.flow > 0) # 1651, 1653 print(part_1(pipes["AA"], 30, distances, relevant_pipes)) # 1707, 2223 print(part_2(pipes["AA"], 26, distances, relevant_pipes))