import logging import operator import os import sys from math import prod from typing import Literal, TypeAlias, cast VERBOSE = os.getenv("AOC_VERBOSE") == "True" logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO if VERBOSE else logging.WARNING) Category: TypeAlias = Literal["x", "m", "a", "s"] Part: TypeAlias = dict[Category, int] PartWithBounds: TypeAlias = dict[Category, tuple[int, int]] OPERATORS = {"<":, ">":} # None if there is no check (last entry), otherwise (category, sense, value) Check: TypeAlias = tuple[Category, Literal["<", ">"], int] | None # workflow as a list of check, in specified order, with target Workflow: TypeAlias = list[tuple[Check, str]] def accept(workflows: dict[str, Workflow], part: Part) -> bool: workflow = "in" decision: bool | None = None while decision is None: for check, target in workflows[workflow]: ok = check is None if check is not None: category, sense, value = check ok = OPERATORS[sense](part[category], value) if ok: if target in workflows: workflow = target else: decision = target == "A" break return decision def propagate(workflows: dict[str, Workflow], start: PartWithBounds) -> int: def transfer_or_accept( target: str, meta: PartWithBounds, queue: list[tuple[PartWithBounds, str]] ) -> int: if target in workflows:" transfer to {target}") queue.append((meta, target)) return 0 elif target == "A":" accepted") return prod((high - low + 1) for low, high in meta.values()) else:" rejected") return 0 accepted = 0 queue: list[tuple[PartWithBounds, str]] = [(start, "in")] while queue: meta, workflow = queue.pop()"{workflow}: {meta}") for check, target in workflows[workflow]: if check is None: accepted += transfer_or_accept(target, meta, queue) continue category, sense, value = check bounds, op = meta[category], OPERATORS[sense]" splitting {meta} into {category} {sense} {value}") if not op(bounds[0], value) and not op(bounds[1], value):" reject, always false") continue if op(meta[category][0], value) and op(meta[category][1], value):" accept, always true") accepted += transfer_or_accept(target, meta, queue) break meta2 = meta.copy() if sense == "<": meta2[category] = (meta[category][0], value - 1) meta[category] = (value, meta[category][1]) else: meta2[category] = (value + 1, meta[category][1]) meta[category] = (meta[category][0], value)" split {meta2} ({target}), {meta}") accepted += transfer_or_accept(target, meta2, queue) return accepted workflows_s, parts_s ="\n\n") workflows: dict[str, Workflow] = {} for workflow_s in workflows_s.split("\n"): name, block_s = workflow_s.split("{") workflows[name] = [] for block in block_s[:-1].split(","): check: Check if (i := block.find(":")) >= 0: check, target = ( cast(Category, block[0]), cast(Literal["<", ">"], block[1]), int(block[2:i]), ), block[i + 1 :] else: check, target = None, block workflows[name].append((check, target)) # part 1 parts: list[Part] = [ {cast(Category, s[0]): int(s[2:]) for s in part_s[1:-1].split(",")} for part_s in parts_s.split("\n") ] answer_1 = sum(sum(part.values()) for part in parts if accept(workflows, part)) print(f"answer 1 is {answer_1}") # part 2 answer_2 = propagate( workflows, {cast(Category, c): (1, 4000) for c in ["x", "m", "a", "s"]} ) print(f"answer 2 is {answer_2}")