# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import copy import sys blocks_s, moves_s = (part.splitlines() for part in sys.stdin.read().split("\n\n")) blocks: dict[str, list[str]] = {stack: [] for stack in blocks_s[-1].split()} # this codes assumes that the lines are regular, i.e., 4 characters per "crate" in the # form of '[X] ' (including the trailing space) # for block in blocks_s[-2::-1]: for stack, index in zip(blocks, range(0, len(block), 4)): crate = block[index + 1 : index + 2].strip() if crate: blocks[stack].append(crate) # part 1 - deep copy for part 2 blocks_1 = copy.deepcopy(blocks) for move in moves_s: _, count_s, _, from_, _, to_ = move.strip().split() for _i in range(int(count_s)): blocks_1[to_].append(blocks_1[from_].pop()) # part 2 blocks_2 = copy.deepcopy(blocks) for move in moves_s: _, count_s, _, from_, _, to_ = move.strip().split() count = int(count_s) blocks_2[to_].extend(blocks_2[from_][-count:]) del blocks_2[from_][-count:] answer_1 = "".join(s[-1] for s in blocks_1.values()) print(f"answer 1 is {answer_1}") answer_2 = "".join(s[-1] for s in blocks_2.values()) print(f"answer 2 is {answer_2}")