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2016-02-18 13:53:30 +00:00
col.spacing <- function(x)
rn.w <- if (length(dimnames(x)[[1]]) > 0) max(nchar(dimnames(x)[[1]]))
else nchar(as.character(nrow(x)))+3
col.w <- apply(x, 2, function(x) nchar(format(x))[1])
dn.w <- if (length(dimnames(x)[[2]]) > 0) nchar(dimnames(x)[[2]])
else nchar(as.character(ncol(x)))+3
col.w <- ifelse( col.w > dn.w , col.w, dn.w)
emacs.expr <- function(x, i, j=i[2], result.type)
# 1. emacs.rc
# 2. emacs.macro
# 3. emacs.macro.text(deparse.result=T) #default for index.value
# 4. emacs.macro.text(deparse.result=F)
# 1. assign expression to cell or to macro
# 2. evaluate macro expression
# 3. retrieve macro expression
# 4. construct control.text() expression from macro name
# 5. construct print.text() expression from macro name
# i and j are integer scalars
if (missing(j)) {j <- i[2] ; i <- i[1]}
if ((.Active == .Active.buffer) && (length(dim(x)) > 2))
stop("Must use rectangular slice, not 3d buffer")
if (i <= nrow(x) && result.type==1)
return(expr.rc(x, c(i, j)))
if (!inherits(x, "spread")) stop("Not a spread.frame")
mm <- (nrow(x)+1):(nrow(x)+2+length(macro(x)))
bb <- mm[length(mm)]+(1:(2+length(before(x))))
aa <- bb[length(bb)]+(1:(2+length(after(x))))
find.expr <- function(type.x, kk, type, result.type)
if (kk>0) {
iv <- index.value(names(type.x), kk,
!((result.type == 4) || (result.type == 5)))
paste(type, "(x)[", iv, "] <- expression(",
expr.value(type.x[kk],1), ")"),
paste("x <- eval.spread(x, ", type, "(x)[", iv, "] )" ),
deparse(eval(parse(text=paste(type, "(x)[", iv, "]")))[[1]]),
paste(iv, "<- control.text(", iv, ")"),
paste(iv, "<- print.text(", iv, ")")
else if (result.type==1) paste(type, "(x)[\"\"] <- expression()")
else NULL
k <- match(i, mm, 0)
if (k) return(find.expr(macro(x), k-2, "macro", result.type))
k <- match(i, bb, 0)
if (k) return(find.expr(before(x), k-2, "before", result.type))
k <- match(i, aa, 0)
if (k) return(find.expr(after(x), k-2, "after", result.type))
cell.rc.emacs <- function(x, e.r, e.c)
x.r <- ifelse(e.c == 0, e.r, e.r-1)
x.c <- sum(e.c >= col.spacing(x))
c(row=x.r, col=x.c)
print.update.emacs <- function(x, ...,
file=paste(.spread.directory, .Active.buffer, sep="/"))
print(x, ...)
xs <- get(.Active)
if (inherits(xs, "spread"))
print.spread.macro(xs, macro)
print.spread.macro(xs, before)
print.spread.macro(xs, after)
print.spread.macro <- function(x, macro)
cat("\n**", as.character(substitute(macro)), "**\n", sep="")
ne <- names(macro(x))
if (length(ne))
for (i in 1:length(ne))
as.two.way.array <- function(x, subs=parse(text=.Active.buffer)[[1]][-(1:2)])
if (length(dim(x))==2) return(x)
# This is designed for 3 way arrays with
# two missing and one specified dimension.
# If the drop parameter exists, it is over-ridden.
subs$drop <- NULL
which.subs <- (sapply(subs,length)==0)
dnx <- dimnames(x)[which.subs]
dimnames(x) <- NULL
dim(x) <- dim(x)[which.subs]
dimnames(x) <- dnx
fg <- function( sprdname=.Active )
# sprdname = character name, possibly subscripted
if (is.na(match(sprdname, names(macro(.Registry))))) {
macro(.Registry)[sprdname] <- sprdname
assign(".Registry", .Registry, where=1 )
assign(".Active.buffer", sprdname, frame=0 )
assign(".Active", find.names(sprdname), frame=0 )
assign("x", eval(parse(text=.Active)), where=1 )
assign("x.buffer", where=1,
if (.Active.buffer==.Active) x
else as.two.way.array(eval(parse(text=.Active.buffer))))
control.emacs <- function(x)
#this is a fake function
#emacs does the work
# control.emacs never gets called when emacs is in control.
# RET in spread window puts old command in minibuffer:
# emacs sends
# emacs.cell('spreadname', e.r, e.c, result.type)
# emacs reads the file written by the above and
# asks the user to revise it in the minibuffer.
# RET in minibuffer puts revised command in S buffer,
# and causes the revised command to be executed, updating the spreadsheet.
# emacs issues
# invisible(assign(.Active, x))
# to place the object in x into the object named in .Active
# emacs issues
# print.find.emacs('spreadname', update.Registry=F)
# to update all buffers showing views of the object named in .Active
# When S gets control back, the command has been executed and the
# spreadsheet has been updated
#emacs usage
#load-file S-spread.el
#In the *S* buffer, type ^Cr to place a spread.frame or 2-way or 3-way array
# into a spread.frame buffer.
#In the spread.frame buffer, type RET to update a cell.
#In the minibuffer, revise the cell and type RET to update the object and
# the display.
#If there is a timing problem and the display is not updated,
# then type ^Cv in the spread buffer.
find.sprds <- function(sprdname, reg.names=names(macro(.Registry)))
reg.names[find.names(reg.names) == find.names(sprdname)]
find.names <- function(reg.names)
prn <- parse(text=reg.names)
for (i in 1:length(prn))
if (mode(prn[[i]]) != "name") reg.names[i] <- prn[[i]][[2]]
print.sprds.emacs <- function(sprdname)
fssn <- find.sprds(sprdname)
fssn2 <- fssn
for(i in fssn2) {
cat(paste(fssn, collapse="\n"), "\n", sep="", file=.spread.command.file)
print.update.emacs.3d <- function(object)
object.name <- as.character(substitute(object))
dobject <- dim(object)
if (length(dobject) != 3) stop("3-way array required")
n3 <- dimnames(object)[[3]]
if (is.null(n3)) n3 <- seq(length=dobject[3])
else n3 <- paste("\"", n3, "\"", sep="")
for (i in n3) {
fg(paste( object.name, "[,,", i, "]", sep="" ))
emacs.start <- function(spread.directory)
assign('.spread.directory', spread.directory, frame=0)
if (!exists('.Registry', 1))
assign(".Registry", where=1, as.spread(matrix(".Registry")))
assign(".spread.command.file", frame=0,
paste(spread.directory, "*command*", sep="/"))
print.find.emacs <- function(spread=.Active, update.Registry=T)
if (update.Registry) {
emacs.cell <- function(spread, e.r, e.c, result.type)
cell.rc <- cell.rc.emacs(x.buffer, e.r, e.c)
.Options$width <- 1000
if (result.type==1 && cell.rc[1] <= nrow(x.buffer)) {
cell.rc <- cell.sub.emacs(x, cell.rc)
cell.expr <- expr.rc(x, cell.rc)
cell.expr <- emacs.expr(x, cell.rc, result.type=result.type)
cat(cell.expr, '\n', sep='', file=.spread.command.file)
cell.sub.emacs <- function(x, i, j=i[2])
# i and j are integer scalars
if (missing(j)) {j <- i[2] ; i <- i[1]}
if (i==0 && j==0) stop("non-zero row or column required")
if ((length(dim(x)) == 2)) {
acpab <- c("","")
positions <- 1:2
else if (.Active == .Active.buffer)
stop("Must use rectangular slice, not 3d buffer")
else {
pab <- parse(text=.Active.buffer)
acpab <- as.character( pab[[1]][-(1:2)] )
positions <- (1:length(acpab))[sapply(acpab, nchar) == 0]
di <- index.value(dimnames(x)[[positions[1]]], i)
dj <- index.value(dimnames(x)[[positions[2]]], j)
acpab[positions[1]] <- di
acpab[positions[2]] <- dj