# # Try to find libclang # # Once done this will define: # - LIBCLANG_FOUND # System has libclang. # - LIBCLANG_INCLUDE_DIRS # The libclang include directories. # - LIBCLANG_LIBRARIES # The libraries needed to use libclang. # - LIBCLANG_LIBRARY_DIR # The path to the directory containing libclang. # - LIBCLANG_KNOWN_LLVM_VERSIONS # Known LLVM release numbers. # most recent versions come first # http://llvm.org/apt/ set(LIBCLANG_KNOWN_LLVM_VERSIONS 3.9.0 3.9 3.8.0 3.8 3.7.1 3.7.0 3.7 3.6.2 3.6.1 3.6.0 3.6 3.5.2 3.5.1 3.5.0 3.5 3.4.2 3.4.1 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1) set(libclang_llvm_header_search_paths) set(libclang_llvm_lib_search_paths # LLVM Fedora /usr/lib/llvm ) foreach (version ${LIBCLANG_KNOWN_LLVM_VERSIONS}) string(REPLACE "." "" undotted_version "${version}") list(APPEND libclang_llvm_header_search_paths # LLVM Debian/Ubuntu nightly packages: http://llvm.org/apt/ "/usr/lib/llvm-${version}/include/" # LLVM MacPorts "/opt/local/libexec/llvm-${version}/include" # LLVM Homebrew "/usr/local/Cellar/llvm/${version}/include" # LLVM Homebrew/versions "/usr/local/lib/llvm-${version}/include" # FreeBSD ports versions "/usr/local/llvm${undotted_version}/include" ) list(APPEND libclang_llvm_lib_search_paths # LLVM Debian/Ubuntu nightly packages: http://llvm.org/apt/ "/usr/lib/llvm-${version}/lib/" # LLVM MacPorts "/opt/local/libexec/llvm-${version}/lib" # LLVM Homebrew "/usr/local/Cellar/llvm/${version}/lib" # LLVM Homebrew/versions "/usr/local/lib/llvm-${version}/lib" # FreeBSD ports versions "/usr/local/llvm${undotted_version}/lib" ) endforeach() find_path(LIBCLANG_INCLUDE_DIR clang-c/Index.h PATHS ${libclang_llvm_header_search_paths} PATH_SUFFIXES LLVM/include #Windows package from http://llvm.org/releases/ DOC "The path to the directory that contains clang-c/Index.h") # On Windows with MSVC, the import library uses the ".imp" file extension # instead of the comon ".lib" if (MSVC) find_file(LIBCLANG_LIBRARY libclang.imp PATH_SUFFIXES LLVM/lib DOC "The file that corresponds to the libclang library.") endif() find_library(LIBCLANG_LIBRARY NAMES libclang.imp libclang clang PATHS ${libclang_llvm_lib_search_paths} PATH_SUFFIXES LLVM/lib #Windows package from http://llvm.org/releases/ DOC "The file that corresponds to the libclang library.") get_filename_component(LIBCLANG_LIBRARY_DIR ${LIBCLANG_LIBRARY} PATH) set(LIBCLANG_LIBRARIES ${LIBCLANG_LIBRARY}) set(LIBCLANG_INCLUDE_DIRS ${LIBCLANG_INCLUDE_DIR}) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) # handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set LIBCLANG_FOUND to TRUE if # all listed variables are TRUE find_package_handle_standard_args(LibClang DEFAULT_MSG LIBCLANG_LIBRARY LIBCLANG_INCLUDE_DIR) mark_as_advanced(LIBCLANG_INCLUDE_DIR LIBCLANG_LIBRARY)