include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag) include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) # # check_for_in_source_build() # function(check_for_in_source_build) if (CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_BINARY_DIR AND NOT MSVC_IDE) message(FATAL_ERROR "In-source builds are not allowed. Please create a build/ directory and run cmake from there, passing the path to this source directory as the last argument. This process created the file `CMakeCache.txt' and the directory `CMakeFiles'. Please delete them. ") endif() endfunction() # # release_as_default_build_type() # function(release_as_default_build_type) # Set a default build type if none was specified for build systems with a # unique configuration type (i.e: Make/Ninja builds) if (NOT CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES AND NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) message(STATUS "Setting build type to 'Release' as none was specified") set (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build." FORCE) set_property (CACHE CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE PROPERTY STRINGS "Debug" "Release" "MinSizeRel" "RelWithDebInfo") endif() endfunction() # # add_compile_options_() # # Adds options to the compiler command line for sources in the current directory # and below. # # note: add_compile_options() backport, which first appeared in CMake 2.8.12 function(add_compile_options_) # possible to check with: # if (${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "2.8.12") if (COMMAND add_compile_options) add_compile_options(${ARGN}) else() add_definitions(${ARGN}) endif() endfunction() # # enable_colored_diagnotics() # # Setup the flag to enable colored diagnostics if any. # # For now this option is enforced only for Ninja builds, where compiler output # is redirected to pipes. # # Clang has '-fcolor-diagnostics' for a long time now. Since GCC 4.9, a similar # flag has been added '-fdiagnostics-color' (somehow they managed to use another # syntax than Clang's one...). Recent version of Clang will support both as they # added support for GCC's -fdiagnostics-color. # function(enable_colored_diagnotics) if (${CMAKE_GENERATOR} MATCHES "Ninja") # Clang check_cxx_compiler_flag("-fcolor-diagnostics" HAS_FCOLOR_DIAGNOSTICS_FLAG) if (HAS_FCOLOR_DIAGNOSTICS_FLAG) add_compile_options_(-fcolor-diagnostics) else() # GCC (and Clang for compatibility with GCC) check_cxx_compiler_flag("-fdiagnostics-color" HAS_DIAGNOSTICS_FCOLOR_FLAG) if (HAS_DIAGNOSTICS_FCOLOR_FLAG) add_compile_options_(-fdiagnostics-color) endif() endif() endif() endfunction() # # check_cxx11_options() # # Throws a FATAL_ERROR if C++11 isn't available otherwise sets: # - CXX11_COMPILE_OPTIONS # - CXX11_LINK_OPTIONS # function(check_cxx11_options) if (CXX11_COMPILE_OPTIONS) return() # already in cache endif() if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU|Clang") check_cxx_compiler_flag("-std=c++11" HAS_STDCXX11) if (HAS_STDCXX11) set(compile_options -std=c++11) else() check_cxx_compiler_flag("-std=c++0x" HAS_STDCXX0X) if (HAS_STDCXX0X) set(compile_options -std=c++0x) endif() endif() # Check whether or not the system library provides proper C++11 support, if # not we try to link specifically against libc++. # # This seems useful for Mac OS X builds, see: # set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS ${compile_options}) check_cxx_source_compiles("#include int main() { std::random_device rd; std::default_random_engine e(rd()); std::uniform_int_distribution dist(0, 15); return dist(e); } " HAS_CXX11_STDLIB) if (NOT HAS_CXX11_STDLIB) check_cxx_compiler_flag("-stdlib=libc++" HAS_LIBCXX) if (HAS_LIBCXX) list(APPEND compile_options -stdlib=libc++) list(APPEND link_options -stdlib=libc++) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Standard library doesn't support C++11!") endif() endif() endif() if (compile_options) message(STATUS "C++11 compiler option(s): ${compile_options}") endif() set(CXX11_COMPILE_OPTIONS ${compile_options} CACHE INTERNAL "C++11 compile options, if any") set(CXX11_LINK_OPTIONS ${link_options} CACHE INTERNAL "C++11 link options, if any") endfunction()