;;; scrlttr2.el --- AUCTeX style for scrlttr2.cls. ;; Copyright (C) 2002, 2007, 2014 Free Software Foundation ;; Author: Mark Trettin ;; Created: 2002-10-26 ;; Keywords: tex ;; This file is part of AUCTeX. ;; AUCTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; AUCTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with AUCTeX; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA ;; 02110-1301, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; This file adds support for `scrlttr2.cls'. ;; Since I just recently switched from `g-brief.cls' to the ;; KOMA-Script letter class *and* I don't really write many ;; snailmails, there are probably some superflous macros included and ;; important ones left out. Comments appreciated. ;; I left out any length and positioning macros since those should be ;; set in a personal `*.lco'-File. IMHO. ;;; Code (TeX-add-style-hook "scrlttr2" (lambda () (TeX-add-symbols '("AtBeginLetter" t) '("KOMAoptions" t) '("LetterOptionNeedsPapersize" "Name of lco file" "Paper size") '("LoadLetterOption" "Name of lco file") '("addrchar" "Initial letter") '("addrentry" "Lastname" "Firstname" "Address" "Telephone" "F1" "F2" "F3" "F4" "Key") '("addtokomafont" TeX-arg-KOMA-scrlttr-fontelements t) '("addtolengthplength" [ "Factor" ] "Name of length" "Name of pseudo length") '("addtoreffields" TeX-arg-KOMA-scrlttr-vars) '("adrchar" "Initial letter") '("adrentry" "Lastname" "Firstname" "Address" "Telephone" "F1" "F2" "Comment" "Key") '("bankname" t) '("captionsUKenglish" nil) '("captionsUSenglish" nil) '("captionsamerican" nil) '("captionsaustrian" nil) '("captionsbritish" nil) '("captionscroatian" nil) '("captionsdutch" nil) '("captionsenglish" nil) '("captionsfrench" nil) '("captionsgerman" nil) '("captionsitalian" nil) '("captionsngerman" nil) '("captionsspanish" nil) '("cc" t) '("ccname" t) '("cleardoubleemptypage") '("cleardoubleplainpage") '("cleardoublestandardpage") '("closing" "Closing Phrase") '("customername" t) '("dateUKenglish" nil) '("dateUSenglish" nil) '("dateamerican" nil) '("dateaustrian" nil) '("datebritish" nil) '("datecroatian" nil) '("datedutch" nil) '("dateenglish" nil) '("datefrench" nil) '("dategerman" nil) '("dateitalian" nil) '("datename" t) '("datengerman" nil) '("datespanish" nil) '("emailname" t) '("encl" t) '("enclname" t) '("faxname" t) '("firstfoot" t) '("firsthead" t) '("headfromname" t) '("headtoname" t) '("ifkomavarempty" TeX-arg-KOMA-scrlttr-vars 2) '("ifkomavarempty*" TeX-arg-KOMA-scrlttr-vars 2) '("invoicename" t) '("myrefname" t) '("newcaptionname" "Language" "Term" "Definition") '("newkomavar" [ "Description" ] "Name") '("newkomavar*" [ "Description" ] "Name") '("nextfoot" t) '("nexthead" t) '("opening" "Opening") '("pagename" t) '("phonename" t) '("providecaptionname" "Language" "Term" "Definition") '("ps") '("raggedsignature" nil) '("renewcaptionname" "Language" "Term" "Definition") '("setkomafont" TeX-arg-KOMA-scrlttr-fontelements t) '("setkomavar" TeX-arg-KOMA-scrlttr-vars [ "Description" ] t) '("setkomavar*" TeX-arg-KOMA-scrlttr-vars "Description") '("setlengthtoplength" [ "Factor" ] "Name of length" "Name of pseudo length") '("subjectname" t) '("usekomafont" TeX-arg-KOMA-scrlttr-fontelements) '("usekomavar" [ "Command" ] TeX-arg-KOMA-scrlttr-vars) '("usekomavar*" [ "Command" ] TeX-arg-KOMA-scrlttr-vars) '("useplength" "Name") '("wwwname" t) '("yourmailname" t) '("yourrefname" t)) (LaTeX-add-environments '("letter" (lambda (env &rest ignore) (LaTeX-insert-environment env (let ((options (TeX-read-string "Optional options: ")) (recip (TeX-read-string "Recipient: "))) (concat (if (not (zerop (length options))) (format "[%s]" options)) (format "{%s}" recip))))))) ;; Definitions for font-latex (when (and (featurep 'font-latex) (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup)) ;; Textual keywords (font-latex-add-keywords '(("addrentry" "{{{{{{{{{") ("adrentry" "{{{{{{{{") ("bankname" "{") ("cc" "{") ("ccname" "{") ("closing" "{") ("customername" "{") ("datename" "{") ("emailname" "{") ("encl" "{") ("enclname" "{") ("faxname" "{") ("firstfoot" "{") ("firsthead" "{") ("headfromname" "{") ("headtoname" "{") ("invoicename" "{") ("myrefname" "{") ("nextfoot" "{") ("nexthead" "{") ("opening" "{") ("pagename" "{") ("phonename" "{") ("ps" "") ("subjectname" "{") ("wwwname" "{") ("yourmailname" "{") ("yourrefname" "{")) 'textual) ;; Function keywords (font-latex-add-keywords '(("AtBeginLetter" "{") ("LetterOptionNeedsPapersize" "{{") ("LoadLetterOption" "{") ("addrchar" "{") ("adrchar" "{") ("ifkomavarempty" "*{{{")) 'function) ;; Variable keywords (font-latex-add-keywords '(("KOMAoptions" "{") ("addtokomafont" "{{") ("addtolengthplength" "[{{") ("addtoreffields" "{") ("newcaptionname" "{{{") ("newkomavar" "*[{") ("providecaptionname" "{{{") ("renewcaptionname" "{{{") ("setkomafont" "{{") ("setkomavar" "*{[{") ("setlengthtoplength" "[{{") ("usekomafont" "{") ("usekomavar" "*[{") ("useplength" "{")) 'variable) ;; Warning keywords (font-latex-add-keywords '("cleardoublestandardpage" "cleardoubleplainpage" "cleardoubleemptypage") 'warning))) LaTeX-dialect) (defun TeX-arg-KOMA-scrlttr-vars (optional &optional prompt) "Prompt for KOMA-Script's scrlttr2 predefined variables with completion." (TeX-argument-insert (completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt optional prompt "Variable") '(("") ("backaddress") ("backaddressseparator") ("ccseparator") ("customer") ("date") ("emailseparator") ("enclseparator") ("faxseparator") ("frombank") ("fromaddress") ("fromemail") ("fromfax") ("fromlogo") ("fromname") ("fromphone") ("fromurl") ("invoice") ("location") ("myref") ("place") ("placeseparator") ("phoneseparator") ("signature") ("specialmail") ("subject") ("subjectseparator") ("title") ("toname") ("toaddress") ("yourmail") ("yourref")) nil nil) optional)) (defun TeX-arg-KOMA-scrlttr-fontelements (optional &optional prompt) "Prompt for KOMA-Script's scrlttr2 fontelements with completion." (TeX-argument-insert (completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt optional prompt "Element") '(("") ("backaddress") ("descriptionlabel") ("fromaddress") ("fromname") ("pagefoot") ("pagehead") ("pagenumber") ("subject") ("title")) nil t) optional)) ;;; scrlttr2.el ends here