2016-02-18 14:53:30 +01:00

608 lines
17 KiB

/* -*- mode: c++ ; coding: utf-8-unix -*- */
/* last updated : 2015/05/23.23:17:32 */
* Copyright (c) 2013-2015 yaruopooner [https://github.com/yaruopooner]
* This file is part of ac-clang.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#ifndef __COMMAND_LINE_HPP__
#define __COMMAND_LINE_HPP__
/* Include Files */
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
/* Class */
namespace CommandLine
template< typename Target, typename Source >
struct lexical_cast_imp
static Target cast( const Source& value )
Target result;
std::stringstream interpreter;
if ( !( interpreter << value ) || !( interpreter >> result ) || !( interpreter >> std::ws ).eof() )
throw std::invalid_argument( "value cast failure." );
return result;
template< typename Source >
struct lexical_cast_imp< Source, Source >
static Source cast( const Source& value )
return value;
template< typename Target, typename Source >
static Target lexical_cast( const Source& value )
return lexical_cast_imp< Target, Source >::cast( value );
template< typename T >
struct DefaultReader
virtual ~DefaultReader( void )
virtual T operator ()( const std::string& argument ) const
return lexical_cast< T >( argument );
template< typename T >
class RangeReader : public DefaultReader< T >
RangeReader( T min, T max ) :
m_Min( min )
, m_Max( max )
virtual T operator ()( const std::string& argument ) const override
const T value = lexical_cast< T >( argument );
if ( ( value < m_Min ) || ( m_Max < value ) )
throw std::domain_error( "value is out of range : " + argument );
return value;
T m_Min;
T m_Max;
class IOptionWithValue;
template< typename T, typename Reader >
class OptionWithValueWithReader;
class IOptionDetail
virtual ~IOptionDetail()
enum Flag
kFlag_Once = 1 << 0,
kFlag_HasValue = 1 << 1,
kFlag_RequireValue = 1 << 2,
virtual int32_t GetId( void ) const = 0;
virtual const std::string& GetName( void ) const = 0;
virtual const std::string& GetShortName( void ) const = 0;
virtual const std::string& GetDescription( void ) const = 0;
virtual bool HasFlag( uint32_t flag ) const = 0;
virtual const std::string& GetValueDescription( void ) const = 0;
virtual bool IsSameName( const std::string& name ) const = 0;
virtual std::shared_ptr< IOptionWithValue > CreateEvaluator( const std::string& argument ) const = 0;
template< typename T, typename Reader = DefaultReader< T > >
class OptionDetail : public IOptionDetail
OptionDetail( int32_t id, const std::string& name, const std::string& shortName, const std::string& description, uint32_t flags = 0, const std::string& valueDescription = std::string(), const Reader& reader = Reader() ) :
m_Id( id )
, m_Name( "--" + name )
, m_ShortName( "-" + shortName )
, m_Description( description )
, m_Flags( flags )
, m_ValueDescription( valueDescription )
, m_Reader( reader )
virtual ~OptionDetail()
int32_t GetId( void ) const final
return m_Id;
const std::string& GetName( void ) const final
return m_Name;
const std::string& GetShortName( void ) const final
return m_ShortName;
const std::string& GetDescription( void ) const final
return m_Description;
bool HasFlag( uint32_t flag ) const final
return ( m_Flags & flag ) ? true : false;
const std::string& GetValueDescription( void ) const final
return m_ValueDescription;
bool IsSameName( const std::string& name ) const final
return ( ( m_Name == name ) || ( m_ShortName == name ) );
std::shared_ptr< IOptionWithValue > CreateEvaluator( const std::string& argument ) const override
return std::make_shared< OptionWithValueWithReader< T, Reader > >( this, argument );
T GetValue( const std::string& argument ) const
return m_Reader( argument );
const int32_t m_Id;
const std::string m_Name;
const std::string m_ShortName;
const std::string m_Description;
const uint32_t m_Flags;
const std::string m_ValueDescription;
const Reader m_Reader;
class IOptionWithValue
virtual ~IOptionWithValue( void )
virtual const IOptionDetail* GetDetail( void ) const = 0;
virtual uint32_t GetId( void ) const = 0;
virtual const std::string& GetOptionName( void ) const = 0;
virtual bool IsValid( void ) const = 0;
virtual bool Evaluate( std::string& message ) = 0;
template< typename T >
class OptionWithValue : public IOptionWithValue
OptionWithValue( const IOptionDetail* detail, const std::string& argument ) :
m_Detail( detail )
, m_Argument( argument )
, m_ValidValue( false )
virtual ~OptionWithValue( void )
const IOptionDetail* GetDetail( void ) const final
return m_Detail;
uint32_t GetId( void ) const final
return m_Detail->GetId();
const std::string& GetOptionName( void ) const final
return m_Detail->GetName();
bool IsValid( void ) const final
return m_ValidValue;
virtual bool Evaluate( std::string& message ) override
return true;
const T& GetValue( void ) const
return m_Value;
const IOptionDetail* m_Detail;
const std::string m_Argument;
bool m_ValidValue;
T m_Value;
template< typename T, typename Reader >
class OptionWithValueWithReader : public OptionWithValue< T >
OptionWithValueWithReader( const IOptionDetail* detail, const std::string& argument ) :
OptionWithValue< T >( detail, argument )
virtual ~OptionWithValueWithReader( void )
bool Evaluate( std::string& message ) override
if ( !this->m_Argument.empty() )
const auto* detail = dynamic_cast< const OptionDetail< T, Reader >* >( this->m_Detail );
this->m_Value = detail->GetValue( this->m_Argument );
this->m_ValidValue = true;
return true;
catch ( const std::exception& exception )
std::stringstream ss;
ss << this->m_Detail->GetName() << " : " << exception.what() << std::endl;
ss << this->m_Detail->GetDescription();
message = ss.str();
return false;
typedef std::vector< std::shared_ptr< IOptionDetail > > OptionDetailArray;
typedef std::vector< std::shared_ptr< IOptionWithValue > > OptionWithValueArray;
class Parser
void AddOption( int32_t id, const std::string& name, const std::string& shortName, const std::string& description, uint32_t flags = 0, const std::string& valueDescription = std::string() )
m_Details.push_back( std::make_shared< OptionDetail< std::string > >( id, name, shortName, description, flags, valueDescription ) );
template< typename T, typename Reader = DefaultReader< T > >
void AddOption( int32_t id, const std::string& name, const std::string& shortName, const std::string& description, uint32_t flags = 0, const std::string& valueDescription = std::string(), const Reader& reader = Reader() )
m_Details.push_back( std::make_shared< OptionDetail< T, Reader > >( id, name, shortName, description, flags, valueDescription, reader ) );
size_t GetNumberOfOptionValues( void ) const
return m_OptionValues.size();
size_t GetNumberOfArguments( void ) const
return m_Arguments.size();
static const std::string& GetOptionName( const IOptionWithValue* value )
return value->GetDetail()->GetName();
template< typename T >
static const T& GetValue( const std::shared_ptr< IOptionWithValue >& value )
const auto* casted_value = dynamic_cast< const OptionWithValue< T >* >( value.get() );
return casted_value->GetValue();
const OptionDetailArray& GetOptionDetailArray( void ) const
return m_Details;
const OptionWithValueArray& GetOptionWithValueArray( void ) const
return m_OptionValues;
bool Parse( int argc, char* argv[] )
// clear & store
for ( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i )
m_Arguments.push_back( argv[ i ] );
// parse
const size_t n_args = m_Arguments.size();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < n_args; ++i )
const std::string& option_name = m_Arguments[ i ];
if ( !HasOptionPrefix( option_name ) )
// error, argument is not option format
// ignore
m_Errors.push_back( "option syntax error : argument is not option format : " + option_name );
bool is_match = false;
bool is_valid_format = false;
std::string value;
for ( const auto detail : m_Details )
if ( !detail->IsSameName( option_name ) )
is_match = true;
// found
if ( detail->HasFlag( IOptionDetail::kFlag_HasValue ) )
const size_t next_i = i + 1;
if ( detail->HasFlag( IOptionDetail::kFlag_RequireValue ) )
if ( n_args <= next_i )
// error, argument locator over
m_Errors.push_back( "option syntax error : not enough argument : " + option_name );
const std::string& next_value = m_Arguments[ next_i ];
if ( HasOptionPrefix( next_value ) )
// option have not value
m_Errors.push_back( "option syntax error : value not found : " + option_name );
value = m_Arguments[ next_i ];
i = next_i;
if ( next_i < n_args )
const std::string& next_value = m_Arguments[ next_i ];
if ( !HasOptionPrefix( next_value ) )
// option have not value
value = m_Arguments[ next_i ];
i = next_i;
// not value, option only
// store found detal & value
m_OptionValues.push_back( detail->CreateEvaluator( value ) );
is_valid_format = true;
if ( !is_match )
// unknown option
m_Warnings.push_back( "unknown option : " + option_name );
// value check
const size_t next_i = i + 1;
if ( next_i < n_args )
const std::string& next_value = m_Arguments[ next_i ];
if ( !HasOptionPrefix( next_value ) )
// discard unknown option value
i = next_i;
else if ( !is_valid_format )
// illegal option format
m_Errors.push_back( "option syntax error : illegal option format : " + option_name );
std::set< const IOptionDetail* > used_options;
for ( auto& option_value : m_OptionValues )
const IOptionDetail* detal = option_value->GetDetail();
const bool found = ( used_options.find( detal ) != used_options.end() );
if ( !found )
// first use
used_options.insert( detal );
if ( found && detal->HasFlag( IOptionDetail::kFlag_Once ) )
// duplicate use
m_Errors.push_back( "option syntax error : duplicate use : " + detal->GetName() );
std::string message;
if ( !option_value->Evaluate( message ) )
m_Errors.push_back( message );
// bad value
return ( m_Errors.size() == 0 );
void PrintUsage( const std::string& format ) const
std::cout << "Usage: " << format <<std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "OPTIONS:" << std::endl;
for ( const auto& detail : m_Details )
std::cout << " " << detail->GetName();
if ( !detail->GetShortName().empty() )
std::cout << ", " << detail->GetShortName();
if ( !detail->GetValueDescription().empty() )
std::cout << " <" << detail->GetValueDescription() << ">";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << detail->GetDescription() << std::endl;
void PrintErrors( void ) const
if ( !m_Errors.empty() )
std::cout << "Error:" << std::endl;
for ( const auto& error : m_Errors )
std::cout << error << std::endl;
void PrintWarnings( void ) const
if ( !m_Warnings.empty() )
std::cout << "Warning:" << std::endl;
for ( const auto& warning : m_Warnings )
std::cout << warning << std::endl;
static bool HasOptionPrefix( const std::string& name )
return ( ( name.compare( 0, 2, "--" ) == 0 ) || ( name.compare( 0, 1, "-" ) == 0 ) );
OptionDetailArray m_Details;
std::vector< std::string > m_Arguments;
std::vector< std::string > m_Errors;
std::vector< std::string > m_Warnings;
OptionWithValueArray m_OptionValues;
/* EOF */