2019-12-29 21:26:06 +00:00

557 lines
20 KiB

;;;; lilypond-song.el --- Emacs support for LilyPond singing
;;;; This file is part of LilyPond, the GNU music typesetter.
;;;; Copyright (C) 2006 Brailcom, o.p.s.
;;;; Author: Milan Zamazal <pdm@brailcom.org>
;;;; LilyPond is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;;; LilyPond is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;;; along with LilyPond. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; This file adds Emacs support for singing lyrics of LilyPond files.
;; It extends lilypond-mode with the following commands (see their
;; documentation for more information):
;; - M-x LilyPond-command-sing (C-c C-a)
;; - M-x LilyPond-command-sing-and-play (C-c C-q)
;; - M-x LilyPond-command-sing-last (C-c C-z)
;; Note these commands are not available from the standard LilyPond mode
;; command menus.
;;; Code:
(require 'cl)
(require 'lilypond-mode)
(ignore-errors (require 'ecasound))
;;; User options
(defcustom LilyPond-synthesize-command "lilysong"
"Command used to sing LilyPond files."
:group 'LilyPond
:type 'string)
(defcustom LilyPond-play-command (or (executable-find "ecaplay") "play")
"Command used to play WAV files."
:group 'LilyPond
:type 'string)
;; In case you would like to use fluidsynth (not recommended as fluidsynth
;; can perform wave file synthesis only in real time), you can use the
;; following setting:
;; (setq LilyPond-midi->wav-command "fluidsynth -nil -a file soundfont.sf2 '%s' && sox -t raw -s -r 44100 -w -c 2 fluidsynth.raw '%t'")
(defcustom LilyPond-midi->wav-command "timidity -Ow %m -s %r -o '%t' '%s'"
"Command used to make a WAV file from a MIDI file.
%s in the string is replaced with the source MIDI file name,
%t is replaced with the target WAV file name.
%r is replaced with rate.
%m is replaced with lilymidi call."
:group 'LilyPond
:type 'string)
(defcustom LilyPond-voice-rates
'((".*czech.*" . 44100)
(".*\\<fi\\(\\>\\|nnish\\).*" . 22050)
(".*" . 16000))
"Alist of regexps matching voices and the corresponding voice rates.
It may be necessary to define proper voice rates here in order to
avoid ecasound resampling problems."
:group 'LilyPond
:type '(alist :key-type regexp :value-type integer))
(defcustom LilyPond-use-ecasound (and (featurep 'ecasound)
(executable-find "ecasound")
"If non-nil, use ecasound for mixing and playing songs."
:group 'LilyPond
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom LilyPond-voice-track-regexp "voice"
"Perl regexp matching names of MIDI tracks to be ignored on sing&play."
:group 'LilyPond
:type 'string)
(defcustom LilyPond-lilymidi-command "\"`lilymidi --prefix-tracks -Q --filter-tracks '%s' '%f'`\""
"Command to insert into LilyPond-midi->wav-command calls.
%f is replaced with the corresponding MIDI file name.
%s is replaced with `LilyPond-voice-track-regexp'."
:group 'LilyPond
:type 'string)
;;; Lyrics language handling
(defvar lilysong-language nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'lilysong-language)
(defvar lilysong-last-language nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'lilysong-last-language)
(defvar lilysong-languages '("cs" "en"))
(defvar lilysong-voices nil)
(defun lilysong-voices ()
(or lilysong-voices
(call-process "lilysong" nil t nil "--list-voices")
(call-process "lilysong" nil t nil "--list-languages")
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (not (eobp))
(push (buffer-substring-no-properties
(line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))
(defun lilysong-change-language ()
"Change synthesis language or voice of the current document."
(setq lilysong-language
(completing-read "Lyrics language or voice: "
(mapcar 'list (lilysong-voices)))))
(defun lilysong-update-language ()
(unless lilysong-language
;;; Looking for \festival* and \midi commands
(defun lilysong-document-files ()
(let ((resulting-files ())
(stack (list (LilyPond-get-master-file))))
(while (not (null stack))
(let ((file (expand-file-name (pop stack))))
(when (and (file-exists-p file)
(not (member file resulting-files)))
(push file resulting-files)
(set-buffer (find-file-noselect file nil))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward "^[^%\n]*\\\\include +\"\\([^\"]+\\)\"" nil t)
(push (match-string 1) stack)))))))
(nreverse resulting-files)))
(defvar lilysong-festival-command-regexp
"^[^%\n]*\\\\festival\\(syl\\)? +#\"\\([^\"]+\\)\"")
(defun lilysong-find-song (direction)
"Find XML file name of the nearest Festival command in the given DIRECTION.
DIRECTION is one of the symbols `forward' or `backward'.
If no Festival command is found in the current buffer, return nil.
The point is left at the position where the command occurrence was found."
(when (funcall (if (eq direction 'backward)
lilysong-festival-command-regexp nil t)
(match-string-no-properties 2))))
(defun lilysong-current-song ()
"Return the XML file name corresponding to the song around current point.
If there is none, return nil."
(or (progn (end-of-line) (lilysong-find-song 'backward))
(progn (beginning-of-line) (lilysong-find-song 'forward)))))
(defun lilysong-all-songs (&optional limit-to-region)
"Return list of XML file names of the song commands in the current buffer.
If there are none, return an empty list.
If LIMIT-TO-REGION is non-nil, look for the commands in the current region
(let ((result '())
(current nil))
(when limit-to-region
(narrow-to-region (or (mark) (point)) (point)))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (setq current (lilysong-find-song 'forward))
(push current result))))
(nreverse result)))
(defun lilysong-walk-files (collector)
(mapcar (lambda (f)
(set-buffer (find-file-noselect f))
(funcall collector))
(defun lilysong-all-songs* ()
"Return list of XML file names of the song commands in the current document."
(remove-duplicates (apply #'append (lilysong-walk-files #'lilysong-all-songs))
:test #'equal))
(defvar lilysong-song-history nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'lilysong-song-history)
(defvar lilysong-last-song-list nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'lilysong-last-song-list)
(defvar lilysong-last-command-args nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'lilysong-last-command-args)
(defun lilysong-song-list (multi)
((eq multi 'all)
(defun lilysong-select-single-song ()
(let ((song (lilysong-current-song)))
(if song
(list song)
(error "No song found"))))
(defun lilysong-select-songs ()
(let* ((all-songs (lilysong-all-songs*))
(available-songs all-songs)
(initial-songs (if (or (not lilysong-last-song-list)
(eq LilyPond-command-current
(lilysong-all-songs t)
(last-input (completing-read
(format "Sing file%s: "
(if initial-songs
(format " (default `%s')"
(mapconcat 'identity initial-songs
", "))
(mapcar 'list all-songs)
nil t nil
(if (equal last-input "")
(let ((song-list '())
(while (not (equal last-input ""))
(push last-input song-list)
(setq default-input (second (member last-input available-songs)))
(setq available-songs (remove last-input available-songs))
(setq last-input (completing-read "Sing file: "
(mapcar #'list available-songs)
nil t default-input
(setq lilysong-last-song-list (nreverse song-list))))))
(defun lilysong-count-midi-words ()
(count-rexp (point-min) (point-max) "^[^%]*\\\\midi"))
(defun lilysong-midi-list (multi)
(if multi
(let ((basename (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-file-name)))
(count (apply #'+ (save-match-data
(lilysong-walk-files #'lilysong-count-midi-words))))
(midi-files '()))
(while (> count 0)
(setq count (1- count))
(if (= count 0)
(push (concat basename ".midi") midi-files)
(push (format "%s-%d.midi" basename count) midi-files)))
(list (LilyPond-string-current-midi))))
;;; Compilation
(defun lilysong-file->wav (filename &optional extension)
(format "%s.%s" (save-match-data
(if (string-match "\\.midi$" filename)
(file-name-sans-extension filename)))
(or extension "wav")))
(defun lilysong-file->ewf (filename)
(lilysong-file->wav filename "ewf"))
(defstruct lilysong-compilation-data
(defvar lilysong-compilation-data nil)
(defun lilysong-sing (songs &optional midi-files in-parallel)
(setq lilysong-last-command-args (list songs midi-files in-parallel))
(add-to-list 'compilation-finish-functions 'lilysong-after-compilation)
(setq songs (mapcar #'expand-file-name songs))
(let* ((makefile (lilysong-makefile (current-buffer) songs midi-files))
(command (format "make -f %s" makefile)))
(setq lilysong-compilation-data
:command command
:makefile makefile
:buffer (current-buffer)
:songs songs
:midi midi-files
:in-parallel in-parallel))
(save-some-buffers (not compilation-ask-about-save))
(unless (equal lilysong-language lilysong-last-language)
(mapc #'(lambda (f) (when (file-exists-p f) (delete-file f)))
(append songs (mapcar 'lilysong-file->wav midi-files))))
(if (lilysong-up-to-date-p makefile)
(lilysong-process-generated-files lilysong-compilation-data)
(compile command))))
(defun lilysong-up-to-date-p (makefile)
(equal (call-process "make" nil nil nil "-f" makefile "-q") 0))
(defun lilysong-makefile (buffer songs midi-files)
(let ((temp-file (make-temp-file "Makefile.lilysong-el"))
(language lilysong-language))
(with-temp-file temp-file
(let ((source-files (save-excursion
(set-buffer buffer)
(master-file (save-excursion
(set-buffer buffer)
(lilyfiles (append songs midi-files)))
(insert "all:")
(dolist (f (mapcar 'lilysong-file->wav (append songs midi-files)))
(insert " " f))
(insert "\n")
(when lilyfiles
(dolist (f songs)
(insert f " "))
(when midi-files
(dolist (f midi-files)
(insert f " ")))
(insert ": " master-file "\n")
(insert "\t" LilyPond-lilypond-command " " master-file "\n")
(dolist (f songs)
(insert (lilysong-file->wav f) ": " f "\n")
(insert "\t" LilyPond-synthesize-command " $< " (or language "") "\n"))
;; We can't use midi files in ecasound directly, because setpos
;; doesn't work on them.
(let ((lilymidi LilyPond-lilymidi-command)
(voice-rate (format "%d" (or (cdr (assoc-if (lambda (key) (string-match key language))
(when (string-match "%s" lilymidi)
(setq lilymidi (replace-match LilyPond-voice-track-regexp nil nil lilymidi)))
(dolist (f midi-files)
(insert (lilysong-file->wav f) ": " f "\n")
(let ((command LilyPond-midi->wav-command)
(lilymidi* lilymidi))
(when (string-match "%s" command)
(setq command (replace-match f nil nil command)))
(when (string-match "%t" command)
(setq command (replace-match (lilysong-file->wav f) nil nil command)))
(when (string-match "%r" command)
(setq command (replace-match voice-rate nil nil command)))
(when (string-match "%f" lilymidi*)
(setq lilymidi (replace-match f nil nil lilymidi*)))
(when (string-match "%m" command)
(setq command (replace-match lilymidi nil nil command)))
(insert "\t" command "\n")))
(defun lilysong-after-compilation (buffer message)
(let ((data lilysong-compilation-data))
(when (and data
(equal compile-command
(lilysong-compilation-data-command data)))
(when (lilysong-up-to-date-p (lilysong-compilation-data-makefile data))
(lilysong-process-generated-files data))
(delete-file (lilysong-compilation-data-makefile data))))))
(defun lilysong-process-generated-files (data)
(with-current-buffer (lilysong-compilation-data-buffer data)
(setq lilysong-last-language lilysong-language))
(lilysong-play-files (lilysong-compilation-data-in-parallel data)
(lilysong-compilation-data-songs data)
(lilysong-compilation-data-midi data)))
;;; Playing files
(defun lilysong-play-files (in-parallel songs midi-files)
(funcall (if LilyPond-use-ecasound
in-parallel songs midi-files))
(defun lilysong-call-play (files)
(apply 'start-process "lilysong-el" nil LilyPond-play-command files))
(defun lilysong-play-with-play (in-parallel songs midi-files)
(let ((files (mapcar 'lilysong-file->wav (append songs midi-files))))
(if in-parallel
(dolist (f files)
(lilysong-call-play (list f)))
(lilysong-call-play files))))
(defun lilysong-make-ewf-files (files)
(let ((offset 0.0))
(dolist (f files)
(let* ((wav-file (lilysong-file->wav f))
(length (with-temp-buffer
(call-process "ecalength" nil t nil "-s" wav-file)
(goto-char (point-max))
(forward-line -1)
(read (current-buffer)))))
(with-temp-file (lilysong-file->ewf f)
(insert "source = " wav-file "\n")
(insert (format "offset = %s\n" offset))
(insert "start-position = 0.0\n")
(insert (format "length = %s\n" length))
(insert "looping = false\n"))
(setq offset (+ offset length))))))
(when (and (featurep 'ecasound)
(not (fboundp 'eci-cs-set-param)))
(defeci cs-set-param ((parameter "sChainsetup option: " "%s"))))
(defun lilysong-play-with-ecasound (in-parallel songs midi-files)
(eci-cs-add "lilysong-el")
(eci-cs-select "lilysong-el")
(eci-cs-add "lilysong-el")
(eci-cs-select "lilysong-el")
(eci-cs-set-param "-z:mixmode,sum")
(unless in-parallel
(lilysong-make-ewf-files songs)
;; MIDI files should actually start with each of the songs
(mapc 'lilysong-make-ewf-files (mapcar 'list midi-files)))
(let* ((file->wav (if in-parallel 'lilysong-file->wav 'lilysong-file->ewf))
(files (mapcar file->wav (append songs midi-files))))
(dolist (f files)
(eci-c-add f)
(eci-c-select f)
(eci-ai-add f))
(let* ((n (length songs))
(right (if (<= n 1) 50 0))
(step (if (<= n 1) 0 (/ 100.0 (1- n)))))
(dolist (f songs)
(let ((chain (funcall file->wav f)))
(eci-c-select chain)
(eci-cop-add "-erc:1,2")
(eci-cop-add (format "-epp:%f" (min right 100)))
(incf right step))))
;;; User commands
(defun lilysong-arg->multi (arg)
((not arg)
(numberp arg)
(equal arg '(4)))
(defun lilysong-command (arg play-midi?)
(let* ((multi (lilysong-arg->multi arg))
(song-list (lilysong-song-list multi))
(midi-list (if play-midi? (lilysong-midi-list multi))))
(message "Singing %s" (mapconcat 'identity song-list ", "))
(lilysong-sing song-list midi-list (if play-midi? t (listp arg)))))
(defun LilyPond-command-sing (&optional arg)
"Sing lyrics of the current LilyPond buffer.
Without any prefix argument, sing current \\festival* command.
With the universal prefix argument, ask which parts to sing.
With a double universal prefix argument, sing all the parts.
With a numeric prefix argument, ask which parts to sing and sing them
sequentially rather than in parallel."
(interactive "P")
(lilysong-command arg nil))
(defun LilyPond-command-sing-and-play (&optional arg)
"Sing lyrics and play midi of the current LilyPond buffer.
Without any prefix argument, sing and play current \\festival* and \\midi
With the universal prefix argument, ask which parts to sing and play.
With a double universal prefix argument, sing and play all the parts."
(interactive "P")
(lilysong-command arg t))
(defun LilyPond-command-sing-last ()
"Repeat last LilyPond singing command."
(if lilysong-last-command-args
(apply 'lilysong-sing lilysong-last-command-args)
(error "No previous singing command")))
(defun LilyPond-command-clean ()
"Remove generated *.xml and *.wav files used for singing."
(flet ((delete-file* (file)
(when (file-exists-p file)
(delete-file file))))
(dolist (xml-file (lilysong-song-list 'all))
(delete-file* xml-file)
(delete-file* (lilysong-file->wav xml-file)))
(mapc 'delete-file* (mapcar 'lilysong-file->wav (lilysong-midi-list 'all)))))
(define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-c\C-a" 'LilyPond-command-sing)
(define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-c\C-q" 'LilyPond-command-sing-and-play)
(define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-c\C-x" 'LilyPond-command-clean)
(define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-c\C-z" 'LilyPond-command-sing-last)
(easy-menu-add-item LilyPond-command-menu nil
["Sing Current" LilyPond-command-sing t])
(easy-menu-add-item LilyPond-command-menu nil
["Sing Selected" (LilyPond-command-sing '(4)) t])
(easy-menu-add-item LilyPond-command-menu nil
["Sing All" (LilyPond-command-sing '(16)) t])
(easy-menu-add-item LilyPond-command-menu nil
["Sing Selected Sequentially" (LilyPond-command-sing 1) t])
(easy-menu-add-item LilyPond-command-menu nil
["Sing and Play Current" LilyPond-command-sing-and-play t])
(easy-menu-add-item LilyPond-command-menu nil
["Sing and Play Selected" (LilyPond-command-sing-and-play '(4)) t])
(easy-menu-add-item LilyPond-command-menu nil
["Sing and Play All" (LilyPond-command-sing-and-play '(16)) t])
(easy-menu-add-item LilyPond-command-menu nil
["Sing Last" LilyPond-command-sing-last t])
;;; Announce
(provide 'lilypond-song)
;;; lilypond-song.el ends here