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2018-03-14 11:08:53 +01:00
.osmosis Commit to fix right. 2018-03-14 11:07:06 +01:00
bin Commit to fix right. 2018-03-14 11:07:06 +01:00
config Commit to fix right. 2018-03-14 11:07:06 +01:00
inputs Add polygon and bounding-box. 2018-03-14 11:08:53 +01:00
lib/default Commit to fix right. 2018-03-14 11:07:06 +01:00
plugins Update OSM2Graph plugin. 2018-03-11 16:20:26 +01:00
script Commit to fix right. 2018-03-14 11:07:06 +01:00
.gitignore Commit to fix right. 2018-03-14 11:07:06 +01:00
.gitmodules Commit to fix right. 2018-03-14 11:07:06 +01:00
generate.sh Fix issue in generate.sh and add variable to specify threads/memory mode. 2018-03-11 16:19:48 +01:00
init.sh Commit to fix right. 2018-03-14 11:07:06 +01:00
README.md Update 'README.md' 2018-02-27 19:07:28 +00:00

Map generator for "BE Graphes"

The purpose of this repository is to ease the process of generating graph and mapforge file that are consistent (using the same OpenStreetMap data).

How to start?

To clone this repository:

# You need the --recursive option (--recurse-submodules with Git >= 2.13),
# you can use https or ssh, it does not matter.
git clone --recursive https://gitea.typename.fr/INSA/be-graphes-map-generator.git

# Then you need to initialize the repository, this may takes some time as it needs
# to fetch a shapefile (~500MB) on a remote server.
cd be-graphes-map-generator
bash init.sh

If you do not plan on generating maps with coastline for mapsforge (see below), you can use the --no-shapefile option to avoid the download:

bash init.sh --no-shapefile

Folders organization

The two main folders are inputs and outputs:

  • inputs mainly contains:

    • a script coastline-fix.sh to merge land/sea polygon (see below) and PBF files;
    • a directory containing boundinx-box (bbox) for specific regions;
    • a file containing highway filters;
    • PBF files downloaded organized in folder $REGION/$REGION.pbf.
  • outputs is the default folder for generated output.

Generating maps

Step 1 - Obtaining a PBF file.

You should create a PBF files containining the region you want:

Using a bounding box:

bin/osmosis --rb inputs/bretagne/bretagne-latest.osm.pbf \ # Specify your input PBF
            --bounding-box bottom=47.160000 left=-3.855000 top=48.330000 right=-1.915000 completeWays=yes \ # Specify the bounding bo
            --write-pbf inputs/bretagne/morbihan.pbf # Specify the output file

Using a polygon:

osmosis --rb inputs/bretagne/bretagne-latest.osm.pbf \ # Specify your input PBF 
        --bounding-polygon file=inputs/bbox/morbihan.poly completeWays=yes \ # Specify your bounding polygon
        --write-pbf file=inputs/bretagne/morbihan.pbf # Specify your output file

The inputs/bbox directory contains bounding-box (.bbox) and bounding polygon (.poly) for some regions. You can find polygon for a lots of region here: http://polygons.openstreetmap.fr/index.py (to find the id of the relation, search it on openstreetmap, e.g. https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/7447).

Step 1 Bis - Fixing coastlines and sea.

Skip this step if your region does not contain sea or big inner lakes, or if you do not want to generate mapsforge file.

We need to add sea information to the PBF file to generate a correct mapsforge map. To do so, a script coastline-fix.sh is provided. Run it simply:

./coastline-fix.sh bretagne/morbihan.pbf

To apply the fix, you need a polygon file (morbihan.poly — not another name), either in the same directory as the PBF or in the inputs/bbox directory (recommended).

This script will generate multiple intermediate files, but only two are importants:

  • inputs/bbox/morbihan.bbox, actual bounding-box of the PBF file — This will overwrite the old bounding-box if there was one.
  • inputs/bretagne/morbihan_merge.pbf, merged file that you should use as input for mapsforge.

Step 2 - Binary graph files

# You can use either "insa2016" or "insa2018" writers, and you should change the map id to your need.
bin/osmosis --rb inputs/bretagne/morbihan.pbf  \
    --used-node \
    --tf reject-relations \
    --tf accept-ways highway=(cat inputs/highway-filter.cmd) natural=coastline \
    --osm2graph file=outputs/morbihan.mapgr writer=insa2018 map-id=0x235

Step 3 - Mapsforge files

# You must specify a bounding-box if you used the coastline fix.
# You can use type=ram to speed-up the process for small maps.
bin/osmosis --rb inputs/bretagne/morbihan_merge.pbf \
            --mapfile-writer file=outputs/morbihan.mapfg bbox=$(cat inputs/bbox/morbihan.bbox) type=hd threads=2

Extra informations:

  • Using a polygon to crop your region is preferred if you plan on applying the coastline fix.
  • I do not recommend using the merged file as input for osm2graph because coastlines are often very long OpenStreetMap ways, and the plugin will not cut them (typically, you could reach Spain when using the merged Morbihan file).
  • I do not recommend using osmosis bounding-box option with osm2graph and/or mapfile-writer unless your bounding-box is small and does not contain sea or coastline. It is always preferred to generate an intermediate PBF file containing only your region (using --write-pbf).