2015 day 10.

This commit is contained in:
Mikaël Capelle 2024-01-06 11:30:10 +01:00
parent f373528b06
commit 3d7dd37c11
2 changed files with 149 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
import itertools
import sys
line = sys.stdin.read().strip()
# see http://www.se16.info/js/lands2.htm for the explanation of 'atoms' (or elements)
# see also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea7lJkEhytA (video link from AOC) and this
# CodeGolf answer https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/8479/42148
# fmt: off
atoms = [
("22", (0, )), # 0
("13112221133211322112211213322112", (71, 90, 0, 19, 2, )), # 1
("312211322212221121123222112", (1, )), # 2
("111312211312113221133211322112211213322112", (31, 19, 2, )), # 3
("1321132122211322212221121123222112", (3, )), # 4
("3113112211322112211213322112", (4, )), # 5
("111312212221121123222112", (5, )), # 6
("132112211213322112", (6, )), # 7
("31121123222112", (7, )), # 8
("111213322112", (8, )), # 9
("123222112", (9, )), # 10
("3113322112", (60, 10, )), # 11
("1113222112", (11, )), # 12
("1322112", (12, )), # 13
("311311222112", (66, 13, )), # 14
("1113122112", (14, )), # 15
("132112", (15, )), # 16
("3112", (16, )), # 17
("1112", (17, )), # 18
("12", (18, )), # 19
("3113112221133112", (66, 90, 0, 19, 26, )), # 20
("11131221131112", (20, )), # 21
("13211312", (21, )), # 22
("31132", (22, )), # 23
("111311222112", (23, 13, )), # 24
("13122112", (24, )), # 25
("32112", (25, )), # 26
("11133112", (29, 26, )), # 27
("131112", (27, )), # 28
("312", (28, )), # 29
("13221133122211332", (62, 19, 88, 0, 19, 29, )), # 30
("31131122211311122113222", (66, 30, )), # 31
("11131221131211322113322112", (31, 10, )), # 32
("13211321222113222112", (32, )), # 33
("3113112211322112", (33, )), # 34
("11131221222112", (34, )), # 35
("1321122112", (35, )), # 36
("3112112", (36, )), # 37
("1112133", (37, 91, )), # 38
("12322211331222113112211", (38, 0, 19, 42, )), # 39
("1113122113322113111221131221", (67, 39, )), # 40
("13211322211312113211", (40, )), # 41
("311322113212221", (41, )), # 42
("132211331222113112211", (62, 19, 42, )), # 43
("311311222113111221131221", (66, 43, )), # 44
("111312211312113211", (44, )), # 45
("132113212221", (45, )), # 46
("3113112211", (46, )), # 47
("11131221", (47, )), # 48
("13211", (48, )), # 49
("3112221", (60, 49, )), # 50
("1322113312211", (62, 19, 50, )), # 51
("311311222113111221", (66, 51, )), # 52
("11131221131211", (52, )), # 53
("13211321", (53, )), # 54
("311311", (54, )), # 55
("11131", (55, )), # 56
("1321133112", (56, 0, 19, 26, )), # 57
("31131112", (57, )), # 58
("111312", (58, )), # 59
("132", (59, )), # 60
("311332", (60, 19, 29, )), # 61
("1113222", (61, )), # 62
("13221133112", (62, 19, 26, )), # 63
("3113112221131112", (66, 63, )), # 64
("111312211312", (64, )), # 65
("1321132", (65, )), # 66
("311311222", (66, 60, )), # 67
("11131221133112", (67, 19, 26, )), # 68
("1321131112", (68, )), # 69
("311312", (69, )), # 70
("11132", (70, )), # 71
("13112221133211322112211213322113", (71, 90, 0, 19, 73, )), # 72
("312211322212221121123222113", (72, )), # 73
("111312211312113221133211322112211213322113", (31, 19, 73, )), # 74
("1321132122211322212221121123222113", (74, )), # 75
("3113112211322112211213322113", (75, )), # 76
("111312212221121123222113", (76, )), # 77
("132112211213322113", (77, )), # 78
("31121123222113", (78, )), # 79
("111213322113", (79, )), # 80
("123222113", (80, )), # 81
("3113322113", (60, 81, )), # 82
("1113222113", (82, )), # 83
("1322113", (83, )), # 84
("311311222113", (66, 84, )), # 85
("1113122113", (85, )), # 86
("132113", (86, )), # 87
("3113", (87, )), # 88
("1113", (88, )), # 89
("13", (89, )), # 90
("3", (90, )), # 91
# fmt: on
starters = [
def look_and_say_length(s: str, n: int) -> int:
if n == 0:
return len(s)
if s in starters:
return look_and_say_length(
"".join(f"{len(list(g))}{k}" for k, g in itertools.groupby(s)), n - 1
counts = {i: 0 for i in range(len(atoms))}
idx = next(i for i, (a, _) in enumerate(atoms) if s == a)
counts[idx] = 1
for _ in range(n):
c2 = {i: 0 for i in range(len(atoms))}
for i in counts:
for j in atoms[i][1]:
c2[j] += counts[i]
counts = c2
return sum(counts[i] * len(a[0]) for i, a in enumerate(atoms))
answer_1 = look_and_say_length(line, 40)
print(f"answer 1 is {answer_1}")
answer_2 = look_and_say_length(line, 50)
print(f"answer 2 is {answer_2}")

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@ -0,0 +1 @@