2024 day 17 WIP.
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing

This commit is contained in:
Mikael CAPELLE 2024-12-17 09:45:27 +01:00
parent f965eea33a
commit 4dcdab9931
4 changed files with 125 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -3,5 +3,114 @@ from typing import Any, Iterator
from ..base import BaseSolver from ..base import BaseSolver
def combo(registers: dict[str, int], operand: int):
if operand < 4:
return operand
assert operand < 7
return registers["ABC"[operand - 4]]
def adv(registers: dict[str, int], operand: int) -> int | None:
registers["A"] = registers["A"] // (2 ** combo(registers, operand))
def bxl(registers: dict[str, int], operand: int) -> int | None:
registers["B"] ^= operand
def bst(registers: dict[str, int], operand: int) -> int | None:
registers["B"] = combo(registers, operand) % 8
def jnz(registers: dict[str, int], operand: int) -> int | None:
if registers["A"] != 0:
return operand
def bxc(registers: dict[str, int], operand: int) -> int | None:
registers["B"] = registers["B"] ^ registers["C"]
def bdv(registers: dict[str, int], operand: int) -> int | None:
registers["B"] = registers["A"] // (2 ** combo(registers, operand))
def cdv(registers: dict[str, int], operand: int) -> int | None:
registers["C"] = registers["A"] // (2 ** combo(registers, operand))
def run(registers: dict[str, int], program: list[int]):
outputs: list[int] = []
def out(registers: dict[str, int], operand: int) -> int | None:
outputs.append(combo(registers, operand) % 8)
instructions = [adv, bxl, bst, jnz, bxc, out, bdv, cdv]
u = {
adv: "A = A // (2 ** {})",
bxl: "B = B ^ {}",
bst: "B = {} % 8",
jnz: "JMP {}",
bxc: "B = B ^ C",
out: "OUT {}",
bdv: "B = A // (2 ** {})",
cdv: "C = A // (2 ** {})",
for index in range(0, len(program), 2):
if program[index] == 4
else (
program[index + 1]
if program[index] in (1, 3) or program[index + 1] < 4
else "ABC"[program[index + 1] - 4]
index = 0
while index < len(program):
instruction, operand = instructions[program[index]], program[index + 1]
ret = instruction(registers, operand)
if ret is None:
index += 2
index = ret
return outputs
class Solver(BaseSolver): class Solver(BaseSolver):
def solve(self, input: str) -> Iterator[Any]: ... def solve(self, input: str) -> Iterator[Any]:
register_s, program_s = input.split("\n\n")
registers = {
p[0][-1]: int(p[1].strip())
for line in register_s.splitlines()
if (p := line.split(":"))
program = [int(c) for c in program_s.split(":")[1].strip().split(",")]
print(f"program ({len(program)}):", ",".join(map(str, program)))
yield ",".join(map(str, run(registers.copy(), program)))
out_index = next(i for i in range(0, len(program), 2) if program[i] == 5)
out_register = "ABC"[program[out_index + 1] - 4]
# there is only one jump instruction and it goes back to the beginning of the
# program
jnz_indices = [i for i in range(0, len(program), 2) if program[i] == 3]
assert (
len(jnz_indices) == 1
and jnz_indices[0] == len(program) - 2
and program[-1] == 0
for value in program:
print(value, f"{out_register} must equal {value | 4}")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Register A: 53437164
Register B: 0
Register C: 0
Program: 2,4,1,7,7,5,4,1,1,4,5,5,0,3,3,0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Register A: 729
Register B: 0
Register C: 0
Program: 0,1,5,4,3,0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Register A: 2024
Register B: 0
Register C: 0
Program: 0,3,5,4,3,0