Better day 16.
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,10 +7,9 @@ import itertools
import re
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import NamedTuple
from typing import FrozenSet, NamedTuple
from import Model
from import BinaryVarType
from tqdm import tqdm
class Pipe(NamedTuple):
@ -55,6 +54,75 @@ def breadth_first_search(pipes: dict[str, Pipe], pipe_1: Pipe, pipe_2: Pipe) ->
return -1
def update_with_better(
node_at_times: dict[FrozenSet[Pipe], int], flow: int, flowing: FrozenSet[Pipe]
) -> None:
node_at_times[flowing] = max(node_at_times[flowing], flow)
def part_1(
start_pipe: Pipe,
max_time: int,
distances: dict[tuple[Pipe, Pipe], int],
relevant_pipes: FrozenSet[Pipe],
node_at_times: dict[int, dict[Pipe, dict[FrozenSet[Pipe], int]]] = defaultdict(
lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0))
node_at_times[0] = {start_pipe: {frozenset(): 0}}
for time in range(max_time):
for c_pipe, nodes in node_at_times[time].items():
for flowing, flow in nodes.items():
for target in relevant_pipes:
distance = distances[c_pipe, target] + 1
if time + distance >= max_time or target in flowing:
node_at_times[time + distance][target],
flow + sum(pipe.flow for pipe in flowing) * distance,
flowing | {target},
flow + sum(pipe.flow for pipe in flowing) * (max_time - time),
return max(
for nodes_of_pipe in node_at_times[max_time].values()
for flow in nodes_of_pipe.values()
def part_2(
start_pipe: Pipe,
max_time: int,
distances: dict[tuple[Pipe, Pipe], int],
relevant_pipes: FrozenSet[Pipe],
def compute(pipes_for_me: FrozenSet[Pipe]) -> int:
return part_1(start_pipe, max_time, distances, pipes_for_me) + part_1(
start_pipe, max_time, distances, relevant_pipes - pipes_for_me
combs = [
for r in range(2, len(relevant_pipes) // 2 + 1)
for relevant_pipes_1 in itertools.combinations(relevant_pipes, r)
return max(compute(comb) for comb in tqdm(combs))
# === MAIN ===
lines =
@ -77,171 +145,11 @@ for pipe_1 in pipes.values():
distances[pipe_1, pipe_2] = breadth_first_search(pipes, pipe_1, pipe_2)
# valves with flow
relevant_pipes = [pipe for pipe in pipes.values() if pipe.flow > 0]
relevant_pipes = frozenset(pipe for pipe in pipes.values() if pipe.flow > 0)
# nodes: list[tuple[Pipe, int, int, list[Pipe]]] = [(start_pipe, 0, 0, [])]
# best_flow: int = 0
# 1651, 1653
print(part_1(pipes["AA"], 30, distances, relevant_pipes))
# while nodes:
# current, time, flow, flowing = nodes.pop(0)
# if time == max_time:
# if flow > best_flow:
# best_flow = flow
# continue
# next_nodes: list[tuple[Pipe, int, int, list[Pipe]]] = []
# for target in relevant_pipes:
# if target is current or target in flowing:
# continue
# distance = distances[current, target] + 1
# if time + distance >= max_time:
# continue
# next_nodes.append(
# (
# target,
# time + distance,
# flow + distance * sum(pipe.flow for pipe in flowing) + target.flow,
# flowing + [target],
# )
# )
# # print(time, current, flow, next_nodes)
# if not next_nodes:
# next_nodes.append(
# (
# current,
# max_time,
# flow + sum(pipe.flow for pipe in flowing) * (max_time - time - 1),
# flowing,
# )
# )
# nodes.extend(next_nodes)
# # if time >= 4:
# # break
# print(best_flow)
# nodes = [best]
# while nodes[-1].parent is not None:
# nodes.append(nodes[-1].parent)
# nodes = list(reversed(nodes))
# for node in nodes:
# print(node.time, node.valve, node.flow, node.flowing)
start_pipe = pipes["AA"]
max_time = 30
ee = [0]
# max_time = 26
# ee = [0, 1]
m = Model()
var_out: dict[Pipe, dict[Pipe, BinaryVarType]] = {
pipe: m.binary_var_dict(relevant_pipes) for pipe in relevant_pipes + [start_pipe]
var_in: dict[Pipe, dict[Pipe, BinaryVarType]] = {pipe: {} for pipe in relevant_pipes}
for p1 in var_out:
for p2 in var_out[p1]:
var_in[p2][p1] = var_out[p1][p2]
open_at: dict[tuple[int, Pipe], BinaryVarType] = m.continuous_var_dict(
(t, pipe)
for t, pipe in itertools.product(range(max_time), [start_pipe] + relevant_pipes)
for time, pipe in itertools.product(range(max_time), relevant_pipes):
m.add_constraint(open_at[time, pipe] <= m.sum())
for e in ee:
m.add_constraint(open_at[e, 0, start_pipe] == 1)
for e, pipe in itertools.product(ee, relevant_pipes):
m.add_constraint(open_at[e, 0, pipe] == 0)
for e, t, p1 in itertools.product(ee, range(max_time), relevant_pipes):
from_time_and_pipe = [
(p2, t - distances[p2, p1] - 1)
for p2 in relevant_pipes + [start_pipe]
if t - distances[p2, p1] - 1 >= 0 and p2 is not p1
if from_time_and_pipe:
open_at[e, t, p1]
<= m.sum(open_at[e, t2, p2] for p2, t2 in from_time_and_pipe)
m.add_constraint(open_at[e, t, p1] == 0)
for pipe in relevant_pipes + [start_pipe]:
m.sum(open_at[e, t, pipe] for e, t in itertools.product(ee, range(max_time)))
<= 1
for e, t in itertools.product(ee, range(max_time)):
m.sum(open_at[e, t, pipe] for pipe in relevant_pipes + [start_pipe]) <= 1
# keeps flowing
flowing_at = {
(t, pipe): m.sum(
open_at[e, t2, pipe] for e, t2 in itertools.product(ee, range(0, t))
for t, pipe in itertools.product(range(max_time), relevant_pipes)
# objective
flowing_at[t, pipe] * pipe.flow
for t, pipe in itertools.product(range(max_time), relevant_pipes)
m.log_output = True
s = m.solve()
for t in range(max_time):
opent = {
e: [
for pipe in relevant_pipes + [start_pipe]
if s.get_value(open_at[e, t, pipe]) > 1e-8
for e in ee
flowing = [
for pipe in relevant_pipes
if any(s.get_value(flowing_at[t, pipe]) > 1e-8 for e in ee)
assert all(len(opent[e]) <= 1 for e in ee)
o = [opent[e][0] if opent[e] else "-" for e in ee]
print(f"t={t}, open={o}, flowing={flowing}")
# 1707, 2223
print(part_2(pipes["AA"], 26, distances, relevant_pipes))
Reference in New Issue
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