Generic Dijkstra for day 12.

This commit is contained in:
Mikael CAPELLE 2022-12-12 15:59:19 +01:00
parent 792951afa8
commit 4899583b15

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@ -2,77 +2,75 @@
import heapq
import sys
from typing import Iterator
from typing import Callable, Iterator, TypeVar
Node = TypeVar("Node")
def dijkstra(
start: tuple[int, int], end: tuple[int, int], grid: list[list[int]]
) -> list[tuple[int, int]] | None:
n_rows = len(grid)
n_cols = len(grid[0])
start: Node,
end: Node,
neighbors: Callable[[Node], Iterator[Node]],
cost: Callable[[Node, Node], float],
heuristic: Callable[[Node, Node], float] | None = None,
) -> list[Node] | None:
def heuristic(row: int, col: int) -> int:
return abs(end[0] - row) + abs(end[1] - col)
queue: list[tuple[tuple[float, float, float], Node]] = []
def neighbors(row: int, col: int) -> Iterator[tuple[int, int]]:
for n_row, n_col in (
(c_row - 1, c_col),
(c_row + 1, c_col),
(c_row, c_col - 1),
(c_row, c_col + 1),
visited: set[Node] = set()
lengths: dict[Node, float] = {start: 0}
parents: dict[Node, Node] = {}
if not (n_row >= 0 and n_row < n_rows and n_col >= 0 and n_col < n_cols):
if heuristic is None:
if grid[n_row][n_col] > grid[c_row][c_col] + 1:
def priority(node: Node):
c = lengths[node]
return (c, c, c)
yield n_row, n_col
queue: list[tuple[tuple[int, int], tuple[int, int]]] = []
def priority(node: Node):
assert heuristic is not None
h = heuristic(node, end)
c = lengths[node]
return (h + c, h, c)
visited: set[tuple[int, int]] = set()
lengths: dict[tuple[int, int], int] = {}
parents: dict[tuple[int, int], tuple[int, int]] = {}
heapq.heappush(queue, ((heuristic(start[0], start[1]), 0), start))
heapq.heappush(queue, (priority(start), start))
while queue and (end not in visited):
(_, length), (c_row, c_col) = heapq.heappop(queue)
(_, _, length), current = heapq.heappop(queue)
visited.add((c_row, c_col))
if current in visited:
for n_row, n_col in neighbors(c_row, c_col):
if (n_row, n_col) in visited:
for neighbor in neighbors(current):
if neighbor in visited:
if length + 1 < lengths.get((n_row, n_col), n_rows * n_cols):
lengths[n_row, n_col] = length + 1
parents[n_row, n_col] = (c_row, c_col)
neighbor_cost = length + cost(current, neighbor)
(heuristic(n_row, n_col) + length + 1, length + 1),
(n_row, n_col),
if neighbor_cost < lengths.get(neighbor, float("inf")):
lengths[neighbor] = length + 1
parents[neighbor] = current
heapq.heappush(queue, (priority(neighbor), neighbor))
if end not in visited:
return None
path: list[tuple[int, int]] = [end]
path: list[Node] = [end]
while path[-1] != start:
while path[-1] is not start:
return list(reversed(path))
def print_path(path: list[tuple[int, int]], n_rows: int, n_cols: int) -> None:
_, end = path[0], path[-1]
end = path[-1]
graph = [["." for _c in range(n_cols)] for _r in range(n_rows)]
graph[end[0]][end[1]] = "E"
@ -119,7 +117,39 @@ for i_row, row in enumerate(grid):
grid[start[0]][start[1]] = 0
grid[end[0]][end[1]] = ord("z") - ord("a")
path = dijkstra(start, end, grid)
n_rows = len(grid)
n_cols = len(grid[0])
def heuristic(lhs: tuple[int, int], rhs: tuple[int, int]) -> float:
return abs(lhs[0] - rhs[0]) + abs(lhs[1] - rhs[1])
def neighbors(node: tuple[int, int]) -> Iterator[tuple[int, int]]:
c_row, c_col = node
for n_row, n_col in (
(c_row - 1, c_col),
(c_row + 1, c_col),
(c_row, c_col - 1),
(c_row, c_col + 1),
if not (n_row >= 0 and n_row < n_rows and n_col >= 0 and n_col < n_cols):
if grid[n_row][n_col] > grid[c_row][c_col] + 1:
yield n_row, n_col
path = dijkstra(
cost=lambda lhs, rhs: 1,
assert path is not None
print_path(path, n_rows=len(grid), n_cols=len(grid[0]))
@ -130,6 +160,15 @@ print(f"answer 1 is {answer_1}")
answer_2 = min(
len(path) - 1
for start in start_s
if (path := dijkstra(start, end, grid)) is not None
if (
path := dijkstra(
cost=lambda lhs, rhs: 1,
is not None
print(f"answer 2 is {answer_2}")