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Mikaël Capelle
2fb65387f7 Backup local 2022 day 16. 2023-12-05 20:16:27 +01:00

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@ -6,10 +6,11 @@ import heapq
import itertools
import re
import sys
import time as time_p
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import FrozenSet, NamedTuple
from tqdm import tqdm
from tqdm import tqdm, trange
class Pipe(NamedTuple):
@ -106,21 +107,128 @@ def part_1(
def part_2(
start_pipe: Pipe,
max_time: int,
distances: dict[tuple[Pipe, Pipe], int],
pipes: dict[str, Pipe],
relevant_pipes: FrozenSet[Pipe],
distances: dict[tuple[Pipe, Pipe], int],
def compute(pipes_for_me: FrozenSet[Pipe]) -> int:
return part_1(start_pipe, max_time, distances, pipes_for_me) + part_1(
start_pipe, max_time, distances, relevant_pipes - pipes_for_me
node_at_times: dict[
int, dict[tuple[Pipe, Pipe], dict[FrozenSet[Pipe], int]]
] = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0)))
node_at_times[0] = {(start_pipe, start_pipe): {frozenset(): 0}}
# map node + distance to
d1, d2, d3, d4 = 0, 0, 0, 0
best_flow = 0
for time in range(max_time):
f"{time + 1:2d}/{max_time} - {best_flow:4d} - "
f"{sum(map(len, node_at_times[time].values())):7d} - "
f"{d1:.3f} {d2:.3f} {d3:.3f} {d4:.3f}"
combs = [
for r in range(2, len(relevant_pipes) // 2 + 1)
for relevant_pipes_1 in itertools.combinations(relevant_pipes, r)
d1, d2, d3, d4 = 0, 0, 0, 0
for (c_pipe, e_pipe), nodes in node_at_times[time].items():
for flowing, flow in nodes.items():
return max(compute(comb) for comb in tqdm(combs))
t1 = time_p.time()
c_best_flow = (
+ sum(pipe.flow for pipe in flowing) * (max_time - time)
+ sum(
* (
- time
- 1
- min(distances[c_pipe, pipe], distances[e_pipe, pipe])
for pipe in relevant_pipes
if pipe not in flowing
d1 += time_p.time() - t1
if c_best_flow < best_flow:
best_flow = max(
flow + sum(pipe.flow for pipe in flowing) * (max_time - time),
t1 = time_p.time()
if flowing != relevant_pipes:
for c_next_s, e_next_s in itertools.product(
c_pipe.tunnels, e_pipe.tunnels
c_next = pipes[c_next_s]
e_next = pipes[e_next_s]
node_at_times[time + 1][c_next, e_next],
flow + sum(pipe.flow for pipe in flowing),
d2 += time_p.time() - t1
t1 = time_p.time()
if c_pipe in relevant_pipes and c_pipe not in flowing:
for e_next_s in e_pipe.tunnels:
e_next = pipes[e_next_s]
node_at_times[time + 1][c_pipe, e_next],
flow + sum(pipe.flow for pipe in flowing),
flowing | {c_pipe},
if e_pipe in relevant_pipes and e_pipe not in flowing:
for c_next_s in c_pipe.tunnels:
c_next = pipes[c_next_s]
node_at_times[time + 1][c_next, e_pipe],
flow + sum(pipe.flow for pipe in flowing),
flowing | {e_pipe},
if (
e_pipe in relevant_pipes
and c_pipe in relevant_pipes
and e_pipe not in flowing
and c_pipe not in flowing
node_at_times[time + 1][c_pipe, e_pipe],
flow + sum(pipe.flow for pipe in flowing),
flowing | {c_pipe, e_pipe},
node_at_times[max_time][c_pipe, e_pipe],
flow + sum(pipe.flow for pipe in flowing) * (max_time - time),
d3 += time_p.time() - t1
return max(
for nodes_of_pipe in node_at_times[max_time].values()
for flow in nodes_of_pipe.values()
# === MAIN ===
@ -159,4 +267,4 @@ relevant_pipes = frozenset(pipe for pipe in pipes.values() if pipe.flow > 0)
print(part_1(pipes["AA"], 30, distances, relevant_pipes))
# 1707, 2223
print(part_2(pipes["AA"], 26, distances, relevant_pipes))
print(part_2(pipes["AA"], 26, pipes, relevant_pipes, distances))